
    摘要汽车加强件是一个两端开口的复杂盒形件,对汽车加强件的拉深成形的研究和分 析,能够得到此类形件的通用拉深分析方法,以供实际生产使用。

    本课题以汽车加强件拉深为研究对象,首先分析了汽车加强件的形状特点和拉深缺 陷的形式,建立了汽车加强件的三维模型并使用 Dynaform 软件对其进行拉深成形的有 限元分析,接着通过调整一系列的参数,包括温度、压边力、拉伸速率、圆角半径、拉 延筋布置方法和拉延筋深度以寻找各个参数的合适取值,最终通过正交试验获得最为合 适的参数组合。70132

    毕业论文关键词 汽车加强件 拉深成形 Dynaform 正交试验

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Finite Element Analysis and Process Analysis of Deep  Drawing of  automobile strengthening panel   

    Abstract Automobile strengthening panel is a complex box shaped part with two ends opening. The study and analysis of the deep drawing forming of automobile strengthening panel can obtain the general drawing analysis method of the part. Automobile strengthening panel is chosen as the research object of deep drawing. Firstly, the form of parts of the shape features and defects in deep drawing are analysised. Then, the 3D model of automobile strengthening panel is established. Afterward, the finite element analysis of deep drawing are taken by Dynaform software. In order to find the most suitable drawing parameters, a series of parameters are adjusted, including temperature, blank holder force, stretching rate, radius, drawing bead arrangement method and drawing bead depth to find the appropriate value of the various parameters. Eventually, the most appropriate parameter combination is determined through orthogonal experiment. 

    Keywords Automobile strengthening panel; Finite element analysis; Dynaform; Orthogonal experiment

    本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题的研究背景 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.3 本文的主要内容和组织结构 2

    2 汽车加强件拉深成形工艺分析 4

    2.1 汽车加强件的特点 4

    2.2 汽车加强件的拉深成形工艺 4

    2.3 影响汽车加强件成形的主要因素及解决办法 6

    2.4 本章小结 7

    3 汽车加强件拉深有限元建模方法 8

    3.1 模具三维设计 8

    3.2 坯料尺寸计算与形状设计 8

    3.3 拉深成形有限元模拟 10

    3.4 后处理评价 12

    3.5 本章小结 12


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