


    The Structural Design of Portable Intelligent Atomizer

    Abstract:Ultrasonic atomization technology due to the basic structure is simple, atomization effect is good, the droplets are uniform and common. Applied in various fields, such as medical. Aerosol inhalation therapy, life. Humidification, industry. Dust, internal combustion engine. Oil supply. Coating, agricultural atomization. Cultivation, chemical spectrum. Analysis and so on. In order to understand the design fog in depth In this paper, from the liquid atomization mechanism, respectively, the analysis of several commonly used liquid. Atomization principle. And application characteristics, to explore the ultrasound. The principle of atomization technology and the use of the medical field, clear the ultrasound. The advantages of atomization in medical atomization. Finally, on the basis of the intelligent control circuit, according to the size and parameters of the selected components, with reference to the existing portable medical ultrasonic atomizer structure, the establishment of the three-dimensional model of components, on the basis of the completion of portable The general structure of the medical ultrasonic atomizer is designed to meet the basic functions of the basic. Under the demand, so that the optimal structure. To achieve the portable. Type requirements, and then on the market commonly used atomization. The device is atomized by means of ultrasonic waves. Principle of the design, to achieve the ultrasonic atomization. As well as the basic requirements of the portable.

    Keywords:ultrasonic;atomization; resonance frequency;structure design

    目  录

    1  引言 1

        1.1  课题研究背景和目的 1

      1.1.1  课题研究的背景 1

      1.1.2  课题研究的目标 2

    1.2  国内外研究现状 2

      1.2.1  液体雾化机理、常用雾化方式分析. 2

      1.2.2  超声波雾化原理分析 4

      1.2.3  超声波雾化技术在医用领域的应用 4

    2  便携式医用超声波雾化吸入器总体结构设计 6

    2.1 总体结构 6

    2.2  基于SOLIDWORKS的具体结构设计 7

      2.2.1  机座 7

      2.2.2  保护盖 8

      2.2.3  雾化加热器

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