
    摘  要

     Portable hydraulic wrench


    In the energy, transportation, metallurgy, chemical, mining equipment and other sectors of the installation, maintenance, installation more difficult dismantling bolt; some bolt is arranged in the space is very narrow place cannot be lengthened arm method or hammering fastening and disassembly bolt; some of the equipment used for a long time in the more humid areas, bolt the severe corrosion can not use manual disassembly, so it is difficult to repair; fastening on the overhead pipeline and aerial equipment frame and remove the bolts, staff while wearing the safety belt is also difficult to use force, to safely complete the job very difficult; according to the equipment management authority statistics, in the operation of equipment failure is more than 50% for bolt the number of major accidents, caused by bolt is also very amazing, so the installation and maintenance of the new code of bolt tightening torque requirements more strict, and using artificial methods to achieve the requirements of.
    Hydraulic torque wrench as an assembly tool for large diameter bolts, installation and disassembly repair important bolt connection has been widely used in the industry of metallurgy, machinery, electric power, chemical industry, railways, shipbuilding, bridge, and boilers, one of the most important characteristics of the output torque is large, high work efficiency. This paper mainly carries on the design of hydraulic wrench structure, including the design of the hydraulic cylinder, a ratchet mechanism design and strength check.
    Keywords:  hydraulic torque wrench, hydraulic cylinder, a ratchet mechanism
    摘  要 II
    Abstract. III
    第一章 绪论. - 1-
     1.1 研究目的和意义. - 1-
     1.2 课题研究的现状和发展趋势 - 1 -
      1.2.1 国内外液压扳手的发展历程. - 1 -
      1.2.2 液压扳手研究现状及发展趋势. - 2 -
     1.3 液压扭矩扳手工作原理 - 3 -
     1.4 液压扳手执行机构的工作原理分析 - 4 -
     1.4 本课题主要研究的内容 - 5 -
    第二章 液压扳手摆动油缸机构的设计计算. - 6 -
     2.1 机构分析 - 6 -
     2.2 拧紧力矩与工作摆角的设计计算. - 6-
     2.3 液压缸参数的计算 - 9 -
    第三章 棘轮机构设计. - 18 -
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