
    摘要: 本文介绍了通过对立式糖果分装机送膜封分装机构中传动机构的合理设计,进而使分装机的传动机构更简洁高效,并且为了要使包装机的分装和封膜过程更便捷以及高效。通过选用合理的封口方式让糖果包装的封膜过程更加快捷,在设计中封装置时对比了各式各样的封口方式,最后选定了辊式热封机,是因为此热封机能连续不断的进行封口工作,所以这样就能够达到提高分装机封膜的工作效率的目的,在端封装置处选用了板式热封机,对此热封机还做了一些改善,就是在板式热封机上设计了一个小刀片,这样就可以让端封装置同时能完成端封以及切断包装袋这两个工序,极大程度地提升了工作时的效率,缩短了工作流程。本论文主要针对送膜机构的卷筒、中封装置、端封装置以及箱体做了设计计算。70711

    毕业论文关键词: 立式分装机;送膜机构;中封装置;端封装置

    Design of Film Feeding and Packaging Mechanism for Vertical Subcontractor

    Abstract:  This article describes the rational design of the transmission mechanism in the film dispensing mechanism by the vertical candy dispenser, thus making the transmission mechanism of the dispenser more concise and efficient, and in order to make the packing machine and packaging process more convenient and Efficient. By selecting a reasonable way to seal the candy packaging process more quickly, in the design of the closure of the device when compared to a variety of sealing methods, and finally selected a roller heat sealing machine, because the heat sealing machine continuously Of the sealing work, so this will be able to achieve the purpose of improving the efficiency of the packaging machine sealing film, in the end of the device used in the plate heat sealing machine, the heat sealing machine also made some improvements, that is, in the plate heat sealing machine Designed a small blade, so that you can make the end of the device at the same time to complete the end seal and cut off the two bags of packaging,and enhance the efficiency of the workshorten the work process. In this paper, the design of the reel, the sealing device, the end seal and the box are carried out.

    Keywords: Vertical packing machine;Feeding mechanism; Medium seaing;End sealing 


    1绪论 4

    1.1本设计的意义 4

    1.2调研报告 4

    1.2.1包装机械的特点 4

    1.2.2 文献研究综述 5

    2设计 8

    2.1设计原理以及技术路线 8

    2.1.1方案确立 8

    2.2送膜机构设计计算 11

    2.2.1电动机、减速器的选择 11

    2.2.2卷筒机构链传动设计 11

    2.3中封装置设计 14

    2.3.1加热辊的设计 14

    2.3.2箱体结构的设计计算 24

    2.3.3中封装置链传动设计 25

    2.3.4中封装置齿轮设计 27

    2.3.5轴的设计及校核 29

    2.4键的选择及校核 31

    2.4.1齿轮所用键的选择和校核 32

    2.4.2链轮所用键的选择及校核 32


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