    关键词: 哈佛分析框架; 财务报表分析; 中石油
    Oil is one of the most important raw material in the modern industrial society ,  known as the "blood of industry". To protect the national economic and social development and national defense security has an invaluable role in the economic development and social stability of a country. The oil industry itself is a pillar industry of the national economy, a highly globalized and competitive characteristics of petroleum products in the national economy occupies a pivotal position in the industry chain, affecting the development of industrial, economic, military and other areas of the country.
    China National Petroleum Corporation ("CNPC") is one of the major oil and gas producer and supplier in China, one of the world's largest oil companies. In 2014, the world's 50 largest oil integrated ranked in third place in the "Fortune" magazine Global 500 largest companies ranked in fourth.As one of China's largest oil companies, PetroChina has the importance of promoting the growth of the national economy, ensuring the safety of China's oil and the stability of the society. Good financial statement analysis can promote the future development of oil in the future.
    The traditional financial statement analysis has some limitations. In this paper, the Harvard analysis framework from a strategic height on petroleum 2010-2014 financial reporting in strategic, accounting, finance, prospect the Quartet surface to make a comprehensive analysis. And combined with a variety of analysis methods to identify the business results in the past, to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the enterprise, so as to make a reasonable plan for the future development.
    Key words: The Harvard Analysis Framework; Financial statement analysis; CNPC
    目    录
    摘    要Ⅰ
    一、前 言  1
    (一)研究背景及研究意义  1
    (二)研究思路及方法  2
    (三)企业简介  2
    二、战略分析   2
    (一)石油行业分析  2
    (二)中石油分析  3
    三、会计分析   3
    (一)存货会计分析  4
    (二)应收账款会计分析  4
    (三)固定资产会计分析  5
    (四)在建工程会计分析  5
    四、财务分析   6
    (一)运营能力  6
    (二)偿债能力  6
    (三)盈利能力  8
    (四)增长能力 10
    五、前景分析  11
    (一)石油行业的发展趋势 11
    (二)中石油的机遇与挑战 11
    (三)中石油存在的问题与建议 12
    751、结语 13
    参考文献   14
    致谢   15
    一、    前  言
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