    关键词  农业上市公司  内部控制  信息披露  影响因素
    Title  Agricultural research to the influential factors of quality of internal control information disclosure of listed companies
    Internal cause is the root cause of things development, external cause is the inevitable condition of things, external work through internal causes. For enterprises, represented by the internal control of enterprise internal factors in the development of modern management is the enterprise. As a decisive factor of internal cause, countries successively promulgated a series of laws and regulations in order to perfect the internal control system. Among them about internal control information disclosure requirements. After financial information disclosure, internal control disclosure of information and become a focus of concern.This paper will take the agricultural industry as the breakthrough point, according to the analysis of the related theory research hypothesis in the first place, and then through the internal control disclosure of information to quantitative, it is concluded that the internal control information disclosure quality assessment, using the entropy weight method to the given weight after internal control disclosure of information quality of the final score is calculated, finally to conclude and collect the relevant data of the empirical analysis, through descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis of the results it is concluded that the influence factors of internal control information disclosure quality. Based on the agricultural listed companies internal control information disclosure quality is as explained variable, basic characteristics, from the company internal governance structure and external governance structure three aspects the company size, profitability of a company, the first big shareholders nature and management ownership, public place, the audit opinion type as explained variable for multiple linear regression analysis. And according to the result of empirical analysis to give reasonable Suggestions
    Keywords  Agricultural listed companies  The internal control Information
    disclosure quality  Information disclosure quality factors
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景与意义    1
    1.2  研究内容与方法    1
    1.3  国内外文献回顾    3
    2  相关概述    6
    2.1  相关概念的界定    6
    2.2  内部控制信息披露的相关理论    7
    3  农业上市公司内部控制信息披露质量影响因素理论分析    9
    3.1  农业上市公司内部控制信息披露的现状    9
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