毕业论文关键词:税收成本;盈余管理;利益最大化; 保市动机
The study of tax costs and earnings management
Abstract:In this paper, using the method of Hisense Kelon case study as an example, Hisense and Kelon's tax cost and earnings management case studies illustrate the relationship between the company's problems and tax costs and earnings management. Earnings management is enterprise management authorities on the basis of accounting standards,followed by accounting income information reported by foreign enterprises controlled or adjusted to achieve the maximum benefit of the body's own behavior. For listed companies, in order to the company's development and avoid the impact of operating results of listed companies to issue shares, allotment of additional financing and other behaviors, and to avoid being delisted, companies often consciously take earnings management tools, then companies will be faced with a surplus management and tax costs of trade-offs. From the background and significance of research topics and research methods and contents, the tax cost and earnings management overview, current situation and problems, tax costs and earnings management analysis and other aspects of the specific found listed companies in case of listed motives, as well as to control tax costs their will choose the most favorable accounting policies and accounting methods (is earnings management behavior), to maximize their own utility.
KeyWord: tax costs; earnings management; listing qualifications; motivation to keep listing
引言 1
一、 税收成本与盈余管理概述 2
(一) 税收成本概述 2
(二) 盈余管理概述 2
二、 税收成本与盈余管理的研究现状 4
(一) 国内的研究现状 4
(二) 国外的研究现状 4
三、 企业利用税收成本进行盈余管理的动机与途径 5
(一) 企业利用税收成本进行盈余管理的动机 5
1、 国内对盈余管理动机的研究 5
2、 国外对盈余管理动机的研究 5
(二) 企业利用税收成本进行盈余管理的途径 5
1、 国内对盈余管理途径的研究 5
2、 国外对盈余管理途径的研究 6
四、 海信科龙案例分析 7
(一) 海信科龙股份概况 7
(二) 海信科龙税收成本概况 8
1、 税收成本分析 8
2、 政府补贴的影响 9
(三) 海信科龙盈余管理分析 10
- 上一篇:会计信息化对传统会计职能的影响
- 下一篇:商业银行房地产信贷风险的控制分析