

    毕业论文关键词:公司治理, 财务管理,企业发展

    Abstract: Current economic governance mechanism into the transformation period, it provides valuable opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprise reform and development, small and medium-sized enterprises should seize this rare opportunity, innovation and development concept, to promote sustained, stable development of enterprise management. Based on case as the core, this paper seeks to improve the market competitiveness and promoting the enterprise survival and the development method. Through the management of small and medium-sized enterprises innovation and the reform of financial management research, from the practice, analysis of small and medium-sized enterprises in the governance and financial management problems, and to seek help in the development of the enterprise strategy.

    Keywords: Corporate governance, Financial management, Enterprise development

                                目  录

    1  引言 3

    2  企业创新的概述 3

    2.1  创新的定义 3

    2.2  创新的意义 3

    3  中小企业公司治理创新的内容 4

    3.1  “法治”代替“人治”实现职业化管理 4

    3.2  转变观念,优化企业产权结构 4

    3.3  优化董事会决策制度建立科学、规范的决策程序 4

    3.4  成立新兴企业推行规范的公司治理结构 5

    4  财务管理改革的概述 5

    4.1  改革的定义 5

    4.2  改革的意义 5

    5  财务管理改革的内容 6

    5.1  日常经营管理活动的创新 6

    5.2  投资活动及信息披露的创新 6

    5.3  财务监管活动的创新 7

    6  纵横科技公司治理创新与财务管理改革的实例研究 7

    6.1  纵横科技有限公司简介 7

    6.2  纵横科技有限公司的治理模式与财务管理 9

    6.3  纵横科技有限公司存在的问题 10

    6.4  原因及措施 10

    结论 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14

    1  引言


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