    毕业论文关键词:并购绩效  传统财务分析法   EVA评价法 
    The performance evaluation of listed company merger and acguisition research
    Abstract:For detection of an enterprise m&a and m&a decision is correct, through mergers and acquisitions performance evaluation. As the European and American countries of the fifth wave of mergers and acquisitions worldwide, m&a has become enterprise strategic target and enhance the competitiveness of the important tools. Today in the financial crisis, China's listed companies there are challenges but also opportunities of mergers and acquisitions. This article through the analysis of the situation of mergers and acquisitions of listed companies in China found that under the circumstances of the global economy is still low, mergers and acquisitions in China is still strong. In this context, we should think about: what is the effect of enterprise for the performance of mergers and acquisitions? Mergers and acquisitions quality how, should continue to promote large-scale mergers and acquisitions? Use what kind of evaluation method can better reflect the enterprise m&a performance?
    This article is a case study, select one of the leading enterprises in the steel industry in China in 2007, baosteel m&a cases of bayi iron and steel, and in this case to study the performance of mergers and acquisitions. (1) in this paper, the traditional financial analysis (debt paying ability, operation ability and profitability indicators) combined with EVA evaluation method, to analyze the performance after m&a bayi, mergers and acquisitions performance evaluation more accurate. For merger and acquisition the influence on performance, through the case company's EVA value change and in the process of m&a financial indicators to illustrate; (2) during the study, based on baosteel group in 2006-2014 financial indicators in the analysis and the company nine years before and after mergers and acquisitions, and steel industry financial index average comparison and analysis, make the analysis more comprehensive and complete. On the basis of the relevant conclusions and enlightenment, the mergers and acquisitions of listed companies in China for the future decision has a certain reference value.
    Key Words:Mergers and acquisitions performance  The traditional financial   analysis  EVA evaluation method
    目 录
    一、引言    1
  1. 上一篇:纺织业财务分析—以罗莱家纺为例
  2. 下一篇:杜邦分析法的应用与改进以中石油中石化为例
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