
    摘要:随着经济全球化的程度日益加深,各国企业面临的经营环境发生了巨变,企业之间的竞争加剧,为加强企业内部的有效管理,迫使其寻找新的经营模式,财务会计外包(Finance and Accounting Outsourcing,简称FAO)应运而生。这种新兴的企业管理手段,虽然在发达国家已日趋成熟,但是在我国企业中的实践进程却相当缓慢。



    Application Study of Finance and Accounting Outsourcing in Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise

    Abstract:With the increasing degree of economic globalization, great changes have taken place in the business environment faced by enterprises in various countries. The competition between enterprises has intensified. In order to strengthen the effective management of enterprises and force them to find new business models, FAO emerges as the times required. This emerging business management tool has become increasingly mature in the developed countries. However, the process among Chinese enterprises has been slow.

    This article altogether has five parts. The first part elaborates the outline of the financial accounting outsourcing service, and elaborates its meaning, the classification and the risk management theory. The second part takes the A company as an example, which is a WOFE. This part introduces this company and the present situation of the implementation of the financial outsourcing. The third part is the analysis of financial outsourcing of WOFE, including the analysis of the profit and risks. The fourth part puts forward some suggestions to avoid the risks that may be encountered in the process of financial accounting outsourcing. The fifth part is the summary of this article. This paper, according to A company , the WOFE in China, studies the application of the financial and accounting outsourcing services, and analyze of the profit and risks. I hope to be able to help the WOFE in China who want to use the financial accounting outsourcing as a business strategy of the enterprise, and provide suitable reference for them, I hope this paper can promote the rapid growth of WOFE in China, and promote financial and accounting outsourcing widely implementation in China.

    Keywords: FAO; WOFE; Risk; Profit

    目  录

    一、 财务会计外包服务概述 1

    (一) 财务会计外包概述 1

    1、财务会计外包的含义 1

    2、财务会计外包的分类 1

    (二) 财务外包风险的管理理论 2

    1、财务会计外包风险的含义 2

    2、财务会计外包风险的分类 2

    二、 财务会计外包在外资企业应用的状况——以A公司为例 4

    (一) 公司介绍

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