


    An Empirical Research on Domestic Listed Companies M & A Performance Influencing Factors

     Abstract:With steadily growing of China's capital market and the reform of state-owned enterprises, the listed companies mergers and acquisitions activity is increasingly frequent. Merger will lead to improvements in business performance, the influence factors of mergers and acquisitions is the issue which enterprise managers, shareholders and corporate equity investors are concerned about. This paper tries to resrarch factors influences the performance of listed Chinese companies after m&a.This paper uses multivariate regression model, uses the least square method, with 2008 to 2015 in Shanghai, Shenzhen enterprise merger, acquisition and reorganization of listed securities market 99 events as the research sample, and analyzed the cash payment, mergers and acquisitions both sides cultural difference, the difference of mergers and acquisitions both sides industry, the government correlation degree and enterprise scale of five factors on the specific impact of m&a performance.Through a series of theoretical analysis, comes out the following conclusions: (1) after the cash payment and significantly positively related to corporate performance in the short term, in the long run no significant relationship between the two. (2) the merger and acquisition enterprise culture differences between the main m&a no significant impact on corporate performance.(3) both sides m&as industry difference is no significant influence on the main m&a performance.(4) the main m&a and m&a performance significantly positively related to the government correlation.(5) the scale of mergers and acquisitions in the short term has no significant effect on m & a performance. But second years after the merger between into a significant positive correlation

     Key words: mergers and acquisitions, the government correlation degree, the enterprise scale

     目 录

    一、 绪论 1

    (一)研究背景与意义 1

        (二)研究问题与方法 2

    二、文献综述 3

    (一) 现金支付方式对并购公司绩效的影响 3

    (二) 文化差异对并购公司绩效的影响 4

    (三) 行业差异对并购公司绩效的影响 4

    (四) 政府关联度对并购公司绩效的影响 6

    (五) 企业规模对并购公司绩效的影响

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