摘 要:知识经济时代下,知识逐渐在生产中占据了主导地位。知识经济对传统会计产生了巨大冲击,劳动者权益理论应运而生,依据理论产生了诸多实践应用。本文叙述了知识经济的基本含义和特点,基本描述了知识经济时代出现的劳动者权益理论并加以解释,人力资源重要性的提高促使了劳动者权益会计的发展与完善,本文还对劳动者权益会计的确认、计量、会计账目以及报告等基本内容进行了介绍,以及劳动者权益在我国会计领域内的应用、在企业中的发展和完善问题。54196
Abstract: The era of the knowledge economy, knowledge has dominated in production. Knowledge economy had a huge impact on traditional accounting. Workers' rights theory emerged, and according to the theory generated a lot of practical application. This paper describes the basic meaning and characteristics of the knowledge economy. Describe the basic theory of workers' rights and explain. Raise the importance of human resources to promote the development of workers' rights accounting. This article describes the basic content of labor rights accounting in the accounting recognition, measurement, accounting records and reports, as well as the interests of workers in the fields of accounting, in the enterprise development and improvement issues.
Keywords: knowledge economy, accounting workers' rights, application
目 录
1 引言 4
2 知识经济的特征 4
2.1 知识资本主导知识经济 4
2.2 知识经济下的知识分配 4
2.3 知识成为重要商品和竞争要素 5
2.4 知识经济下的无形资产的重要地位 5
2.5 知识经济是对人力资本的内在肯定 5
3 传统会计理论受到挑战 5
3.1 资产观念受到挑战 5
3.2 利益分配观念受到挑战 6
3.3 计量模式受到挑战 6
4 劳动者权益会计是知识经济时代的主要会计 6
4.1 人力资源理论 6
4.2 劳动者权益的特点 7
4.3 确立劳动者权益会计的理论依据 7
4.4 劳动者权益会计的核算 8
4.5 劳动者权益会计的报告 8
5 劳动者权益会计在我国的应用 9
5.1 劳动权益会计的实践 9
5.2 职工持股 9
5.3 劳力股 10
5.4 效益工资 10
结论 11
参考文献 12
致谢 13
1 引言