
    摘  要:改革开放期间,我国经济发展迅速,卖方市场的角色已经转变成买方市场,不断加大企业间的竞争。任何时候,每个企业都在为自己的销售想办法,在经营过程中,企业为了扩大商业规模,提升产品的市场占有率,不得不采取赊销战略来招揽顾客。应收账款的数量在一年一年的增加,企业看起来是盈利的,而实际上是亏损的,这样就让许多中小企业面临破产的危险,而造成它的原因就是应收账款收不回来,资金不能及时收回来。在本文中,针对罗莱家纺有限公司的应收账款管理中遇到的问题,寻找能够解决这个问题的办法,减少因为欠款收不回来遭受的损失。54341


    Abstract: During the period of reform and opening up, the rapid economic development in our country, the role of a seller's market has turned into a buyer's market, increasing competition among enterprises. At any time, every enterprise in for their own to find a way to sales, in the process of operation, the enterprise in order to expand business scale, to promote the market share of the product, had to take the credit sales strategy to attract customers. The amount of accounts receivable increasing year by year, the number of companies appear to be profitable, but in fact is a loss, this should make many small and medium-sized enterprises are facing bankruptcy risk, and the cause of it is accounts receivable close not come back, money is not back in time. In this article, in view of the luo lai home textile co., LTD., the problems in the management of accounts receivable, looking for a solution to this problem, reduce the balance because close not back losses.

    Keyword: accounts receivable, management, luolai home textile co., LTD 


    1  引言 4

    1.1 选题背景 4

    1.2 研究目的 4

    1.3 研究思路 4

    2.应收账款的相关概述 4

    2.1 应收账款的作用 4

    2.2 应收账款相关的计算公式、指标 5

    2.3 应收账款管理存在的问题 5

    2.4 产生应收账款的原因 6

    3. 罗莱家纺有限公司应收账款管理问题 7

    3.1罗莱家纺有限公司 7

    3.2罗莱家纺有限公司应收账款的现状 8

    3.3 罗莱家纺有限公司现状分析 8

    3.4罗莱家纺有限公司应收账款对业务发展状况的影响 10

    4. 罗莱家纺有限公司应收账款的管理策略 10

    4.1 完善应收账款管理制度 10

    4.2建立专门的信用管理机构 11

    4.3加强合同管理 11

    4.4实施应收账款日常管理追踪分析 12

    4.5加强责任管理 12

    4.6制定科学收账政策 12

    结论 14

    参考文献 15

    致 谢 16

    1  引言

    1.1 选题背景


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