
    【摘要】:近些年,企业并购行为逐渐频繁,并且并购的规模也在逐步扩大,各种并购类型的并购案例也在逐步增多,然而在不同并购种类下企业并购后整合效率会有何不同,这也是个需要探讨的问题,本文采取因子分析法,借助财务指标构建横向并购效应、纵向并购效应、混合并购效应的财务指标综合得分模型,选择相应的样本和时间段进行实证研究,实证结果是,三者并购后当期绩效均有下滑,并购对企业当期的经营状况呈负面影响,通过短期整合,横向并购和纵向并购企业绩效有所提升,企业经营状况优于并购前,但是混合并购绩效仍旧不如并购前,短期整合效率:纵向并购>横向并购>混合并购;就长期整合绩效而言,仍然是纵向并购>横向并购>纵向并购。 63670

    毕业论文关键字】:企业并购   并购整合   价值效应   效率比较

    毕 业 论 文 中 文 摘 要

     毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  comparative  analysis  of  enterprise  merger  and  acquisition      efficiency  


    In recent years, the behavior of enterprise merger and acquisition becomes more and more frequent, and the scale of M & A has gradually expanded, Various types of merger cases are also increasing gradually, but in the enterprise merger under different types of M & A integration efficiency will be different, this question need us to discuss .In this paper , we will use factor analysis , With the help of the financial indicators to build the effect of horizontal M & A, vertical merger effect, effect of conglomerate M & a financial index score model, then select the appropriate sample and time period  to do the  empirical research .and  the empirical result is ,the three type of M&A’s short-term current  efficiency is generally low ,The M&A have a negative impact on the enterprise operation ,Through short-term  integration ,the enterprise performance of Horizontal merger and  Vertical merger all have improved ,better than the business of enterprise merger ,but the mixed M&A performance is still lower than before the merger .short-term integration efficiency : Vertical merger>Horizontal merger > Mixed M&A .In the terms of  the long-term integration  performance ,it is similar with  the short-term integration efficiency : Vertical merger>Horizontal merger > Mixed M&A.

    Keywords  merger and acquisition    Merger integration   The value effect        Comparison of efficiency


    1 引言 5

    文献回顾 5

    3  理论分析和研究假设 7

    3.1 理论分析 7

    3.2  研究假设 9

    4 实证分析 10

    4.1研究方法 10

    4.1.1 会计研究法 10

    4.1.2本文采用的研究方法 10

    4.3模型设计 11

    4.3.1  财务指标的选取 11

    4.3.2  建立综合得分模型 12

    4.4 实证结果分析 13

    4.4.1  数据结果与整体分析 13

    4.4.2  并购前数据分析 14

    4.4.3  并购后整合数据对比分析

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