

    关键词  管理者价值观 创新 预算强调 组织承诺 管理业绩

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    An Empirical Analysis of Enterprise Budget 

              Management in the Yangtze River Delta     


    The paper studies the impact that managers’innovational values and budget emphasis have on budget management. Organizational commitment and management performance reflect budget management. As known to all, values of managers is one of the important basis of corporate values. Managers can affect organizational behavior through self-values, personal characteristics in order to make organizational behavior ordering. Budget management is an important means in the day-to-day management of the enterprise. The attention that managers pay on budget will reflect the results of the management. The paper concludes: Values of managers significantly affect the effectiveness of budget management; the value of innovation of the marketing department managers may precede the value of innovation of the production sector managers; the budgetary emphasis has a negative correlation for the marketing department managers, so as organizational commitment.

    Keywords: managers’values; innovation; budgetary emphasis;

            organizational commitment; management performance 

    1 引言                                                                1

     1.1本文选题背景和意义                                                1

     1.2国内外研究现状                                                    1

     1.3本文研究思路、研究方法和主要内容                                  3

    2 长三角企业预算编制现状分析                                         5

     2.1长三角企业预算编制的组织情况                                      5

     2.2长三角企业预算的执行情况                                          6

    3 研究设计                                                           8

     3.1研究假设                                                          8

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