

    毕业论文关键词  民营上市公司  投资行为  投资效率  案例分析64471

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  A Study on the Investment Behavior and Efficiency       of Private Listed Companies                                                 

    Abstract Investment is one of the most important financial decisions, and plays an important role in the course of firm’s development. The companies’ investment behavior, as an important foundation for growth of future cash flow, will directly affect the company’s performance level. This issue explores the investment behavior’s characteristics and laws of private listed company and analyzes the investment efficiency of private listed companies which are in the imperfect market environment. On the theoretical basis of Constraints in finance, internal investment market theory and free cash flow, this paper combines the theoretical research with case studies to analyze the problems and deficiencies in the investment behavior and efficiency of private listed companies. Finally, the author raises some efficient policy recommendations about regulating the investment behavior and improving the investment efficiency of listed companies.

    Keywords Private Listed Company; Investment Behavior; Investment Efficiency ; Case Analysis

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景及研究意义 1

    1.2  研究内容及研究方法 2

    1.3  本文研究框架 2

    2  相关理论及文献回顾 4

    2.1  民营上市公司投资概述 4

    2.2  影响民营上市公司投资的因素 5

    2.3  国内外文献回顾 6

    3 我国民营上市公司投资现状与存在问题分析 9

    3.1  我国民营上市公司投资现状 9

    3.2  我国民营上市公司投资存在的问题 9

    3.3  我国民营上市公司投资存在问题的成因分析 10

    4  规范我国民营上市公司投资行为与提高投资效率的策略分析 12

    4.1  约束大股东控制程度 12

    4.2  规范上市公司投资信息披露义务 12

    4.3  强化对管理者的监督与激励 13

    5  万向钱潮民营上市公司投资案例分析 14

    5.1  公司简介 14

    5.2  万向钱潮的治理结构

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