关键词 上市公司 高管薪酬 公平性 A股市场
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Research on the Equity in Executive Compensation of the Listed Companies:Taking the A-shares Market for Example
Executive pay has been a highlighted issue of the academia, the media and the public. And in recent years, the considerable amount of salary draws everyone’s attention and doubt to the fairness of executive pay for listed companies in China. The effective executive compensation system can not only reduce the sense of fairness of the general staff, but also motivate the executives and let them make full use of their entrepreneurial skills.
This article is pided into two parts: firstly, it focuses on the theoretical basis of the rationality why the executives get high level of compensation, related definition, pay equity and the factors that influence the level of executive compensation. While in the second part,I mainly talk about of the empirical research of the fairness of executives in China's A-share market and selected top-100-ranking companies in CEO pay and a random sample of enterprises pided by industry. In order to remove the improper data, and eventually formed a sample in capacity of 180.At last I came up with some suggestions, and described the limitations of this article.
Keywords equity, listed companies, executive compensation
目 次
1 绪论 … 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2 研究的对象和主要问题 … 1
1.3 研究的方法和章节安排 … 2
2 高管薪酬公平与否的理论分析 3
2.1 高管高薪的理论解释 3
2.2 薪酬公平的标准 5
3 上市公司高管薪酬的决定因素 7
3.1 基本概念的界定 7
3.2 影响上市公司高管薪酬水平的内部因素 9
3.3 影响上市公司高管薪酬水平的外部因素 … 11
3.4 影响上市公司高管薪酬水平的个人因素 … 12
4 我国上市公司高管薪酬水平公平性的实证研究 13
4.1 CEO薪酬与公司业绩相关性 … 13
4.2 CEO薪酬企业内公平性 … 15
4.3 相同行业不同公司高管薪酬差异 16
4.4 高管薪酬行业水平差异 17
4.5 我国和美国高管薪酬水平差异 … 17
5 我国上市公司高管薪酬存在的问题分析及建议 19
5.1 我国上市公司高管薪酬现存的问题… 19
5.2 建议 20
结论 22
致谢 23
附录 24
参考文献 26
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景和意义
- 上一篇:内部控制与证券分析师预测行为
- 下一篇:我国注册会计师行业监管模式研究