Application and Discussion of Current Profitability Evaluation Index
Abstract: Profitability evaluation index is of great significance to stakeholders and investors. Using this index in some analysis methods, through analysis and judgment to identify whether enterprises can profit, it is also useful for each link of enterprise operation result analysis. However, profitability evaluation index of current enterprise has some limitations: income and cost of sales profit rate cannot reach matching principle; net interest rate in the total assets of the creditors and shareholders are not clearly differentiated, easily confused; current profitability index put too much attention on the balance sheet and income statement, but ignore the cash flow statement. There are many defects of traditional DuPont analysis system: Lack of analysis of the cash flow statement;It cannot reflect important financial index of the listing Corporation;Pay too much attention on short-term profit .Aiming at the above shortcomings; we take financial statements of LUOLAI HOME Textile Company Limited as an example, using the improved profitability index and system of financial analysis in order to make discussion and researches on the application and effectiveness of the enterprise.
Keywords: Profitability evaluation index;DuPont analysis;Financial analysis system;Rate of return on net assets
目 录
引言 1
一、企业盈利能力评价指标的概述 2
(一)盈利能力评级指标的作用 2
(二)盈利能力评级指标的分类 2
(三)杜邦分析体系中的盈利能力评级指标 2
(四)现行盈利能力评级指标存在的缺陷 2
二、企业盈利能力评价指标的改进与补充 4
(一)企业盈利能力评价指标计算公式的改进 4
1、销售利润率指标的改进 4
2、成本费用利润率指标的改进 4
3、总资产净利率指标的改进 4
(二)结合现金流量表,补充现行盈利能力评价指标 5
1、销售收入现金率 5
2、总资产现金回收率 5
3、筹资能力率 5
三、杜邦分析体系的改进 6
(一)杜邦分析体系的概述 6
1、杜邦分析体系的结构 6
2、杜邦分析体系的作用 7
3、杜邦分析体系的缺陷 7
(二)完善杜邦分析体系 7
1、引入每股收益作为新体系的核心指标 8
2、引入每股净资产指标 8
3、增强对现金流量表的运用 8
四、实例运用——基于罗莱家纺公司的财务报表 10
- 上一篇:澄星股份有限公司财务报表分析
- 下一篇:我国企业环境会计信息披露质量研究