    摘要 目的:通过观察果蝇的存活以及羽化情况,研究叶酸对黑腹果蝇寿命以及生殖能力的影响。方法:在野外收集黑腹果蝇,选择外观行为正常的果蝇进入实验。在培养基中加入叶酸并按照不同剂量分组。观测30℃下果蝇每天存活数及25℃下果蝇幼虫出现的时间及数量。结果:热胁迫下,10mg/kg叶酸剂量组最高寿命为14d,100mg/kg叶酸剂量组最高寿命为16d,1000mg/kg叶酸剂量组最高寿命为14d,0mg/kg叶酸剂量组最高寿命为13d。在正常条件下,10mg/kg、100mg/kg、1000mg/kg剂量组果蝇在产卵数量比0mg/kg剂量组高且100mg/kg剂量组更显著,1000mg/kg剂量组果蝇产卵数低于100mg/kg剂量组但高于10mg/kg剂量组。结论:适当剂量叶酸可以促进果蝇在热胁迫下的寿命及果蝇的生殖能力。39119
    毕业论文关键词 叶酸;热胁迫;寿命;生殖能力
    The effects of folic acid take on the longevity of drosophila melanogaster and on the reproductive capability of drosophila melanogaster
    Abstract: Objective:By observing the survival and emergence of drosophila melanogaster, this paper aims to study the effects of folic acid take on the longevity and reproductive capability of drosophila melanogaster. Methods:Collecting drosophila melanogaster in the field and picking up flies with normal appearance and behavior. Adding folic acid into mediums and piding these mediums into different groups according to the concentration of folic acid (low-dose group: 10mg/kg, medial-dose group: 100mg/kg, high-dose group: 1000mg/kg, control group: no folic acid). The statistics of drosophila melanogaster and the number of survival were observed daily under 30℃ and the time when drosophila melanogaster appeared and number of drosophila melanogaster under 25℃. Result:Heat stress, the highest life expectancy of drosophila melanogaster is 14d of 10mg/kg dose of folic acid group, the highest life expectancy of drosophila melanogaster is 16d of 100mg/kg dose of folic acid group, the highest life expectancy of drosophila melanogaster is 14d of 1000mg/kg dose of folic acid group and the highest life expectancy of drosophila melanogaster is 13d of 0mg/kg dose of folic acid group. Under normal conditions, 10mg/kg, 100mg/kg and 1000mg/kg dose group of drosophila melanogaster in spawning quantity is 1000mg/kg and 100mg/kg dose group is more significant than the 0mg/kg group, 1000mg/kg dose group of drosophila melanogaster laying is lower than the 100kg/kg dose group but higher than the 10mg/kg dose group. Conclusion:Proper dose of folic acid can promote the longevity of drosophila melanogaster under heat stress and drosophila melanogaster reproductive ability.
    Key words: folic acid; heat stress; longevity; reproductive capability
    摘要     1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    引言    2
    1 材料与方法    3
    1.1 主要试剂及仪器    3
    1.1.1 实验试剂    3
    1.1.2 实验仪器    3
    1.2 果蝇品系    3
    1.3 果蝇培养基与制备    3
    1.4 方法    4
    1.4.1 果蝇在热胁迫下的寿命实验    4
    1.4.2 果蝇生殖能力实验    4
    1.5 统计学处理    4
    2 结果    5
    2.1 叶酸在热胁迫条件下对果蝇寿命的影响    5
    2.2 叶酸对果蝇生殖能力的影响    6
    参考文献    9
    致谢    10                                                      
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