


    Abstract:WRKY transcriptional gene families in the growth and development process of plant response to the outside world and plays an important role. WRKY transcription factors - unique to plants contain highly conservative amino acid sequence - N - end WRKYGQK class of transcription factors. WRKY transcription factor was first cloned in sweet potato, after about 20 many kinds of plants are also confirmed the existence of WRKY transcription factors, and expounds the corresponding molecular biology function. At present, found more than 100 people in the corn WRKY transcription factors, found more than 70 in arabidopsis thaliana. Studies clarify: can WRKY transcription factors and corresponding cis element to produce specific effects. Released this article USES the maize genome sequence data, using bioinformatics method for maize WRKY gene family structure, the structure of the system evolution, the conservative domain and the WRKY transcription factor family in maize, small grass, sorghum and maize homologous relationship are analyzed. Through the study, will be for the future analysis of WRKY transcription factors in plant evolution. 

    Keywords: Maize; WRKY transcription factors.;Bioinformatics  


    1   引言 6

    1.1  转录因子的概念 6

    1.2  WRKY转录因子的来源 6

    1.3  WRKY转录因子的结构特点 6

    1.4  WRKY转录因子家族报道的研究 7

    1.5 WRKY转录因子的功能 7

    材料与方法 8

    2.1  植物WRKY超家族转录因子的鉴定 8

    2.2  蛋白序列的比对和玉米WRKY蛋白系统的进化分析 8

    2.3  WRKY保守结构域的鉴定和分析 9

    2.4  WRKY转录因子家族在玉米,短柄草,高粱和玉米中的同源性分析 9

    3 结果和分析 9

    3.1  玉米WRKY转录因子家族的鉴定 9

    3.2 玉米WRKY转录因子家族的进化分析 12

    3.3  玉米WRKY家族全长蛋白的结构性分析 14

    3.4  玉米WRKY转录因子家族染色体复制分析 15

    3.5 玉米WRKY转录因子在短柄草、高粱、玉米和水稻中染色体复制分析 16

    结论 19

    参考文献 20

    致  谢

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