


    Abstract: Inducible gene expression in plants of various mainly by specific transcription factor regulation at the transcriptional level.The structure and function of there anscription factor research in recent years become a plant molecula biology, cell and molecular biology and molecular biology research in the field of important content. By using bioinformatics methods to study the structure of the rice genome AP2 family genes, some of the hormonal response of the relationship between system evolution, conserved domains, and expression as well as the rice roots organizations genes in different tissues, and the AP2 transcription factor family in Brachypodium, Arabidopsis, maize and relationship aspects of sorghum and the like to make a detailed analysis. The evolution of the results showed that rice AP2 gene function is an important role in regulation of plant development, for parsing the structure and function of the AP2 transcription factors family provides a new perspective.

    Keyword: Rice AP2 gene families,  bioinformatics, evolution function 

    1 前言 6

    1.1转录因子的概念 6

    1.2 AP2家族转录因子的概念以及结构特征 7

    1.3 AP2基因家族的研究进展 8

    1.4 AP2类转录因子研究的目的和意义 9

    2 材料与方法 9

       2.1数据库的搜索 9

    2.2 AP2基因家族成员的鉴定 9

    2.3 AP2保守结构域的鉴定和分析 9

    2.4多序列联配、蛋白保守序列比对和AP2系统进化树的构建 10

    2.5 AP2基因家族在不同物种中染色体区段的复制分析 10

    2.6 水稻不同组织中的AP2基因家族表达分析和水稻根茎组织对不同激素的响应分析 10

    3 结果与分析 11

    3.1水稻AP2基因家族的鉴定 11

    3.2水稻AP2基因家族的进化分析 12

    3.3水稻AP2家族蛋白结构域分析 14

    3.4水稻AP2基因家族的染色体复制分析 15

    3.5 AP2基因家族在水稻分别与短柄草、高粱和玉米之间染色体复制情况的分析 16

    3.6 AP2基因家族在水稻的不同组织中表达模式的分析 19

    3.7水稻根茎组织中的AP2基因家族在六种激素处理下的响应机制 20

    结  论 23

    参考文献 23

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