
    摘 要:随机选取30尾鲫鱼(284.14.45 g)并测定了体长、体宽、头宽、头长、头高、尾柄长、尾柄高、眼后头长、眼间距、眼径、全长和活体重。采用路径分析方法,以综合决定系数为确定形态性状重要性的准则,考察了鲫鱼各形态性状的相关性及对体重的影响,旨在为鲫鱼的育种实践提供依据或指导。结果表明,除尾柄高和眼径与体重的相关系数不显著外(P>0.05),其他9个形态性状与体重的相关均达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。各性状至体重的路径系数分别为:体宽0.608,头宽-0.115,头长-0.029,头高0.136,尾柄长0.019,尾柄高-0.001,眼后头长0.091,眼间距0.129,眼径-0.060,其中体宽对体重的路径系数达到显著水平(P<0.05)。通过计算综合决定系数发现,体宽最大,为0.484,其他性状对体重的综合决定系数由大到小依次为:眼间距0.125、头高0.119、眼后头长0.056、尾柄长0.021、头长-0.029、眼径-0.037和头宽-0.149;体宽是影响体重最主要的因素。从方差膨胀因子看,VIF<10,表明研究结果可靠。68668

    毕业论文关 键 词:鲫鱼,形态性状,路径系数,决定系数

    Abstract:  A total of 30 crucian carps (average weight 284.14.45g) was randomly selected  and 12 traits (body length, body depth, head width, head length, head height, tail handle length, tail handle height, post-eye head length, interorbital width, eye diameter, full length and live body weight were measured. By using the path analysis method and the criterion for importance of morphological characters through the comprehensive determination coefficient, the correlation between and the influences of above morphological traits on the body weight in C. auratus were examined, aiming to provide some guidelines for the breeding of C. auratus. The results showed that, in addition to the correlations of tail handle height and eye diameter to body weight being not significant (P>0.05), the correlations of other 9 traits to body weight reached significant level (P<0.01). The path coefficients of the 11 morphological traits to body weight were 0.608 (body depth), -0.115 (head width), -0.029 (head length), 0.136 (head height), 0.019 (tail handle length), -0.001 (tail handle height), 0.091 (post-eye head length), 0.129 (interorbital width), -0.060 (eye diameter), respectively; the path coefficient of body width to body weight reached significant level (P<0.05). The comprehensive determination coefficient of body width was the greatest,  as high as 0.484, followed by interorbital width (0.125), head height (0.119), post-eye head length (0.056), tail handle length (0.021), head length (-0.029), eye diameter (-0.037) and head width (-0.149). Body width was the most important trait in terms of the influence on body weight. The variance inflation factor VIF<10, demonstrating that the research results were reliable.    

    Keywords:  Carassius auratus, morphological trait, path coefficient, decision coefficient 

    目   录

    1  前言 4

    材料与方法 4

    2.1  生物材料 4

    2.2  性状测量 4

    2.3  统计分析 5

    3  结果 5

    3.1  性状的表型统计 5

    3.2  各性状间简单相关系数 6

    3.3  线性模型拟合与复相关系数 6

    3.4  各形态性状对体重的路径系数及作用分析 7

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