
    摘  要开花时间的调控是一个错综复杂的过程,是自身遗传因子与外界环境相互作用的结果,目前的研究表明,诱导开花的途径主要有光周期途径、自主途径、赤霉素途径和春化途径等途径,其中涉及的位点众多,它们的互作关系仍有很多不清楚。本研究中,我在野外种植了一个拟南芥MAGIC群体,记录了每个单株的开花时间及相关性状,对这些特定遗传位点的基因型鉴定,并分析了这些遗传位点中不同等位基因与表型的关联性。研究结果表明: FLC与FRI的呈线性正相关,且与开花时间相关,即验证了抑制开花调控网络中FRI与FLC的互作作用,与前人的研究结果相一致,也证明了本实验设计的可行性。同时我发现,CO遗传位点与FRI存在显著性互作,提示它们直接或间接地共同参与了开花时间性状的调控,这是之前没有报道的新发现。本论文的研究为进一步研究和完善不同遗传位点如何通过互作影响开花时间做了有益的探索。69928


    毕业论文关键词:MAGIC群体  开花时间  遗传互作  关联分析

    Genetic Interaction of Flowering Regulatory Genes in Arabidopsis thaliana


    The regulation and control of flowering time is a complex process, which is influenced by the interaction of genetic factor and environmental interaction. There are four main genetic pathways regulating the induction of flowering: photoperiod pathway , autonomous pathway, GA pathway , and vernalization pathway. A large number of genes involved in the regulation of flowering have been identified, however, their genetic interaction is little known. In this study, I grew an Arabidopsis MAGIC population and record the flowering time and related traits of each plant. Samples were collected and genotypes in several flowering-related genes were analyzed. We found that FLC and FRI were significantly interacted during regulation of flowering time, which is consistent previous studies, and validates the rationality of our experiment, Furthermore, we found a significant interaction between CO and FRI, suggesting that they directly or indirectly participate in the regulation of flowering time, which is new to the genetic network. Our study has provided a good attempt for the dissection of genetic interactions affecting flowering time.

    Key Words: MAGIC population  flowering time  genetic interaction  association analysis

    目  录

    摘  要 I


    目  录




    1 绪论 6

    1.1拟南芥的开花诱导途径 6

    1.2鉴定开花时间相关基因所应用的分子遗传学方法 7

    2材料与方法 8

    2.1供试拟南芥材料 8

    2.2 MAGIC群体的种植(野外实验设计、种子萌发与栽培) 8

    2.3 表型测量及材料收集 9

    2.4基因组DNA的提取 10

    2.5候选基因序列的查找及多态性标记的鉴定、PCR、片段分析 10

    2.6基因型和表型数据整理与分析方法 11

    3结果与分析 11


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