


    Abstract: There are a large number of transcription factor gene families in plates, which play an important role in the process of plant growth, development and stress response. The AP2 domain is a very highly conserved binding region consisting of about 60 amino acid residues.AP2 transcription factors were first discovered in Arabidopsis thaliana, which was subsequently confirmed to exist in other species. Studies show that AP2 transcription factor can be binding to DNA in a specific manner, and regulate the expression of the target gene from the transcriptional level. In this paper, we have analyzed the structural characteristics, conserved domain and phylogenetic tree of AP2 gene family by using the published data of AP2 transcription factor and many bioinformatics methods. Meanwhile, we analyzed the homology of AP2 transcription factor family in rice, short stalk grass, sorghum and maize. Through the study, the AP2 transcription factors has laid a solid foundation for the evolution of the plants in the future.

    Keywords: Maize, AP2 transcription factors, Bioinformatics


    1   引言 6

    1.1  转录因子的概念 6

    1.2  AP2转录因子的概述 6

    1.3  AP2转录因子的结构特征及分类 6

    1.3.1 AP2转录因子的结构特征 6

    1.3.2  AP2转录因子的分类 6

    1.4  AP2转录因子的起源及生物学功能 7

    1.5  AP2转录因子的相关研究和进展 8

    1.6  主要生物学数据库及软件概述 8

    1.6.1 植物TFDB数据库的概述 8

    1.6.2  ClustalW的概述 8

    1.6.3  WebLogo的概述 9

    1.6.4  MEME程序的概述 9

    材料与方法 9

    2.1  数据库的选择及搜索 9

    2.2  植物AP2转录因子家族的鉴定 9

    2.3  AP2蛋白序列比对及蛋白系统的进化分析 9

    2.4  AP2保守结构域的鉴定和分析 10

    2.5  AP2转录因子家族在水稻、短柄草、高粱和玉米中的同源性分析 10

    3  结果和分析 10

    3.1  玉米AP2转录因子家族的鉴定 10

    3.2  玉米AP2转录因子家族的进化分析 12

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