Abstract: Teaching is a cognitive process between the particular emotion and knowledge. Knowledge includes intellectual, skills, ideas and perceptions; while emotion covers multiple and multilevel affective phenomenon. Emotion belongs to the category of non-intellective factors, and it is the inner drive for students’ intellectual development. In the teaching of mathematics, emotion develops with the cognitive process: perceive a certain phenomenon and is willing to pay attention, make required reactions, satisfied with the reactions and appreciate, form personality and outlook of life; and with the remembering, understanding, mastering, and application, coexisting in a unity. To achieve the goal of teaching, we should sometimes use the emotional goals as the method to achieve the cognitive goals, and sometimes use the changes in the cognitive field as the method to cause emotional changes.
Key words: new courses, traditional education,emotional education
目 录
1 前言 5
2 情感教育 5
2.1忽视情感教育的弊端 5
2.1.1学不致用 5
2.1.2题海战术 6
2.1.3忽视差生 6
3 情感教育在数学教学中的必要性 6
4 情感教育的有效方法 7
4.1精心创设问题情境,诱发学生情感需要 7
4.2建立和谐师生关系,促使学生亲师信道 7
4.3培养教学情感艺术,调动学生积极性 8
4.4关注个体差异,学会因材施教 9
结论 10
参考文献 11
致谢 12
1 前言
2 情感教育源'自:751-'论/文'网"www.751com.cn
新课程标准要求学生:能积极参与数学学习活动,对数学有好奇心与求知欲;在数学学习活动中获得成功的体验;锻炼克服困难的意志,建立自信心;初步认识数学与人类生活的密切联系及对人类历史发展的作用,体验数学活动充满着探索与创造,感受数学的严谨性以及数学结论的确定性;形成实事求是的态度以及进行质疑和独立思考的习惯.新课程标准要求教师:通过研究性、探究性的学习,培养学生具有创新能力、实践能力和终生学习的能力.其中,创新能力的培养应是核心.学生创新意识的养成,往往取决于教师在教学过程中教学思想、教学方法、教学手段的创新. 然而,在实际中学数学教学中,学生往往考试至上,分数至上,学习数学的信心大大降低,从而导致学生产生越学越怕,越怕越不想学的心理,数学成绩不能提高.具体表现在以下几个方面: