
    摘  要:随着高度信息化时代的到来,21世纪正在向缺乏活力的小学数学教育提出新的要求,因此作为教育者必须十分注重从低年级就开始培养儿童收集信息,提出问题、处理信息的能力。《小学数学课程标准》明确提出,收集、整理和分析数据进行交流,作出决策,初步具有随机的观念和概率的思想等,已成为人人必须具备的基本素养,是学生适应未来生活和进一步学习不可缺少的基础知识和基本技能。因此在小学生数学教育教学过程中,教师要结合学科特点和学习内容,指导小学生积极进行数学信息的收集,分析判断,从而解决实际问题,有效培养小学生收集和处理数学信息的能力,以适应信息社会的需要。在实际小学数学教学中,小学数学教师不应局限于知识的传授、让小学生掌握基本的数学知识,而应该注重培养小学生数学头脑和运用数学工具解决实际问题的能力,其中对小学生处理数学信息能力的培养就显得尤为重要。60284

    毕业论文关 键 词:小学数学,数学信息,能力培养,处理信息 

    Abstract:With the advent of the era of highly informationization, the 21st century is mathematical education put forward new requirements to the lack of energy,So as educators must pays attention to collect information from lower grade began to cultivate children, ask questions, the ability to process information. "The elementary school mathematics curriculum standard" clearly put forward, collecting, sorting and analyzing the data, make decisions, with random initial concept and the idea of probability and so on, has become that everyone must have the basic quality, is the student to adapt to life in the future and further study of the indispensable basic knowledge and basic skills. Therefore in the process of primary school mathematics education teaching, the teacher should combine the discipline characteristic and the study content, guide students actively to mathematical information collection, analysis, judgment, so as to solve practical problems, effectively cultivate students the ability of collecting and processing mathematical information, so as to adapt to the needs of the information society. In the elementary school mathematics teaching actual, the elementary school mathematics teacher should not be limited to imparting knowledge, let the pupils master the basic knowledge of mathematics, and should pay attention to cultivating students mathematical mind and ability to use mathematical tools to solve practical problems, among them with mathematics for elementary school students information ability is particularly important.

    Keywords: the elementary school mathematic , mathematical information , ability training , processing information

    1 绪论 4

    1. 1 问题的提出 4

    1. 2 相关概念的界定 4

    1.2.1 数学信息 4

    1.2.2 数学信息素养 4

    1.2.3 数学信息意识 4

    1.2.4 数学信息能力 5

    1. 3 研究本课题的意义 5

    1. 4 研究本课题的方法 5

    2 小学生处理数学信息能力培养方法和途径 5

    2. 1 创设生活情境,培养小学生捕捉数学信息的意识 6

    2. 2 拓宽渠道,培养小学生收集数学信息的能力 6

    2.2.1 扎根数学课堂,培养小学生解题能力 6

    2.2.2 多学科融合,拓展小学生处理数学信息的视野

  1. 上一篇:小学数学课堂人际交往中存在的问题解决策略
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