    关键词  PLL 频率综合 环路滤波器 电路性能
    Title  X band PLL phase-locked loop frequency synthesizer design                                                     
    The main topic is locked loop frequency synthesizer write circuit design. The rapid development of the electronics industry requires extremely stable signal source, which promote the development of the frequency synthesizer.
    This article describes how HMC510 VCO, MSP430 microcontroller , ADF4106 chip generates a stable frequency 8.3GHz. First, get familiar with the principles of the entire circuit module, then the familiar properties of various components, connectors and pin control word written, then learning how to use protel software to complete the wiring of the circuit, and then the next describes the matters noted that when the circuit is soldered adjust the loop filter circuit to regulate the most tedious step, the software was done by simpll loop simulation, the third-order loop filter. Test the performance of the last to complete the circuit, the measurement noise, basically achieve the desired results.
    Keywords:  PLL  frequency synthesizer  loop filter  circuit performance

    1  绪论    2
    1.1  选题背景    2
    1.2  关于频率合成技术的介绍    3
    1.2.1 频率合成器的各种指标    3
    1.2.2、频率合成技术的发展    4
    2  锁相环的基本原理    6
    2.1  锁相环(PLL)的原理    6
    2.2  锁相环(PLL)电路的三大组成部分[5]    6
    2.2.1  鉴相器    6
    2.2.2  环路滤波器    8
    2.2.3  压控振荡器(VCO)    10
    3  锁相环的电路使用元器件及其规格    11
    3.1  ADF4106[14]    11
    3.2  hmc510压控振荡器[15]    16
    3.3  MSP430单片机:[7]    18
    4  电路焊接与调试:    19
    4.1  电路的设计:    19
    4.1.1  设计原理图    19
    4.1.2  设计环路滤波器的调节    21
    4.1.3  PCB板的设计    22
    4.2  实物的焊接:    22
    5、 锁相环的性能分析:    24
    5.1  相噪    24
    5.1.1 相噪产生的原因:    24
    5.1.2  测量输出信号的相噪时注意事项:    26
    5.1.3  相噪的实际测量步骤    26
    5.1.4  相噪测量的实际值    27
    5.2  输出信号的杂散的测量    29
    5.3  噪声分析    30
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