    关键词: 核素识别;利用吻合置信度值的方法判别相干核素;能谱分析
    Study of nuclide identification algorithm based on matching the characteristic peaks
    Abstract:     With the development of nuclear energy, nuclear pollution and nuclear terrorist threat is becoming more and more serious, so this article introduces the structure and the development of the portable spectrometer. And the energy spectrum analysis of spectrum stabilization, smoothing, peak search method. Study on theenergy spectrum of nuclide identification analysis and the introduction of the key.
    Nuclide identification mainly includes the following methods: using the method ofanastomosis reliability discriminant coherent nuclide; spectrum stripping method;inverse matrix; the first estimate can be measured with radionuclide samplealgorithm
    This paper mainly discusses the simple algorithm can know in advance the testedspecies coherent nuclide contained in the sample. A brief description of thesystem scale spectrometer.

    Keywords:    Nuclide identification;  
    using the method with reliability discriminant coherentnuclide;
    energy spectrum analysis
    摘要    ii
    Abstract    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    研究的意义    1
    1.2    能谱仪的研究现状    1
    1.3    核素识别的作用    4
    2    γ能谱仪的结构和测量方法    5
    2.1    Γ射线探测器    5
    2.2    数字化多道脉冲幅度分析器    8
    2.3    监控系统及能谱分析软件    8
    2.4    实现环境    9
    3    系统刻度    11
    3.1    能量刻度    11
    3.2    效率刻度    11
    3.3    能量分辨刻度    12
    4    解谱算法与实现    13
    4.1    谱数据的平滑    13
    4.2    寻峰    14
    4.3    稳谱    14
    4.4    核素识别    16
    5    核素库的建立与核素识别的几种具体算法    21
    5.1    核素库的建立    21
    5.2    利用吻合置信度值的方法判别相干核素    25
    5.3    剥谱法    28
    5.4    逆矩阵法    28
    5.5    对于可以先估计出被测样品中含有核素的算法    29
    6    总结    34
    1    绪论
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