    摘要随着科学技术的进步和发展,各学科领域相互渗透和覆盖已成为新技术发展的必然趋势。基于单片机的无线收发系统也得到了越来越多的使用。无线收发系统可应用于车库门控、玩具遥控、安全监控、防盗系统等,在各种领域中具有广泛的应用。利用AT89C51单片机为控制核心,采用无线应用系统编码与解码芯片M145026/M145027设计了无线收发系统,将发射端的信息编码发送到接收端,经无线接收并解码后显示在接收端的显示屏上,通过实时时钟芯片实现控制时间的调节,并可以对电机进行控制。 21357
    关键词  无线收发  单片机  发射端   接收端  显示屏   实时时钟   电机
    Title    Wireless transceiver based on single chip microcomputer                    
    With the progress and development of science and technology, various disciplines of mutual penetration and coverage has become an inevitable trend in the development of new technologies. Based on single-chip wireless transceiver systems have been increasingly used. Wireless transceiver system can be used in garage door control, toys, remote control, security monitoring, alarm systems, etc., with a wide range of applications in various fields. Below using AT89C51 microcontroller core, the use of wireless applications M145026/M145027 encoding and decoding chip wireless transceiver system design, the transmitter sends coded information to the receiving end, after the wireless receiver and decoded at the receiving end of the display screen, by real-time clock chip control and regulation, and can control the motor.
     Keywords  wireless transceiver  single chip  transmitter  receiving end
    the display screen    real-time clock   motor
    目   次
    1  引言(或绪论)¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ 1
    1.1 课题提出的背景  ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ 1
    1.2 现状       ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ 1
    1.3 课题主要内容    ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ 1
    2  单片机无线收发设计原理  ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ 2
    2.1原理概述   ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ 2
    2.2 主要元件说明  ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ 3   
    2.2.1微控器8051系列的AT89C51  ¬¬¬¬¬ 3
    2.2.2无线收发模块M140526/M140527    5
    2.2.3 DS1302实时时钟                7
    2.2.3液晶显示器                     8
    2.2.4 电机驱动L298和PWM控制        12
    3  单片机无线收发设计实现      15
    3.1  发射电路软件设计                16
    3.2  接收电路软件设计                16
    3.2.1 液晶显示实现              16
    3.2.2 实时时钟实现              17
    3.2.3 电机控制实现              18
    3.2.4 M140526和M140527         19
    4 调试   20
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