    关键词  EMCCD  椒盐噪声  图像滤波  硬阈值  小波变换

       Title  LLL image noise reduction method research based on wavelet transform                                    
    Noise is the key factor affecting the quality of the digital image, so the digital image denoising is particularly important. This paper studies thresholding  problem based on wavelet transform. First ,this paper introduced the principle of EMCCD imaging and image noise and filtering method, and introduces the principle of digital image system briefly. This paper presents an algorithm based on wavelet transform hard threshold function analyzes the algorithms and workflows, and provided examples of its filtering characteristics. The simulation and experimental results show that when in high noise density is low, the performance of the proposed algorithm based on wavelet transform hard threshold function was significantly better than the other filter, and with the noise density increases, the performance is relatively stable. The peak signal to noise ratio of the image increases at different noise density .And the results achieved the expected goals.
    Keywords    EMCCD  salt and pepper noise image filtering Hard threshold Wavelet Transform
     目   录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  引言    1
    1.2  本课题研究的意义    1
    1.3  本课题研究背景及现状    1
    1.4  本文内容安排和研究内容    2
    2  EMCCD的工作原理和噪声模型    3
    2.1  EMCCD组成及工作原理    3
    2.2  EMCCD噪声特性    4
    3  基于小波变换的微光图像降噪算法研究    5
    3.1  EMCCD噪声分布模型    5
    3.2  数字图像降噪技术    5
    3.3  小波阈值降噪理论的研究    7
    3.4  小波阈值去噪方法    8
    3.5  阈值函数和阈值估计    8
    3.6  小波阈值去噪算法    11
    3.7  仿真及结果分析    12
    结 论    19
    致 谢    20
    1  绪论
    1.1  引言
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