    摘要线性调频连续波雷达简称LFMCW 雷达,通过采用连续波频率调制的方式来获得距离和速度的相关参数信息。该雷达结构简单,在工作中发射功率小,分辨率高,没有距离盲区,在军用和民用领域的近距离、高精度测量中具有广泛的运用。
    1  分析了LFMCW雷达的基本测距测速原理,在差频信号的时域和频域都进行了处理,并采用“MTD—频域配对法”进行距离-速度解耦合处理。
    2  分别设计了基于TMS320C6678平台单核与多核下LFMCW雷达信号处理软件实现方案,给出了调试结果,验证了功能的正确性,通过硬件调试得出,采用多核的LFMCW雷达信号处理速度是采用单核的5倍。22095
    关键词  LFMCW  MTD—频域配对法  算法设计  仿真调试
    Title    Design of signal processing algorithm for LFMCW  radar based on multi-core DSP                                              
    Linear frequency modulated continuous wave (LFMCW) radar emits frequency modulated continuous-wave to obtain the information of targets, such as range and velocity. With simple structure, low transmitting power, high resolution and no distance blind area, LFMCW Radar has been widely used in military and civilian fields for close-range and high-precision measurement.
    With the goal to measure the range and velocity of a point target quickly and accurately, this thesis design the signal processing algorithm for LFMCW radar based on the platform of multi-core DSP TMS320C6678.
    The contents are given as follows:
    1 The principle of range and velocity measurement method for LFMCW Radar is demonstrated. The beat frequency echo is processed in both time domain and frequency domain, and then "MTD-frequency domain pairing Law" is employed to eliminate the moving target’s range-velocity coupling problem.
    2 The LFMCW radar signal processing procedures are designed and implemented in single-core and multi-core on TMS320C6678, respectively. The software framework and the debugging results are given. The correctness of the signal processing procedure is verified. It has been shown that the speed of signal processing on multi-core is about five times faster than that implemented on single-core.
    Keywords    LFMCW MTD-frequency domain pairing Law   algorithm design  Simulation debugging
    目   录 
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  雷达的分类与介绍    1
    1.2  LFMCW雷达的背景与意义    1
    1.3  LFMCW雷达的优缺点    2
    1.4  LFMCW雷达的国内外研究情况    2
    1.5  本文主要研究内容    3
    2  LFMCW雷达的基本原理    5
    2.1  LFMCW雷达信号分析    5
    2.2  频域配对法    7
    2.3  动目标检测技术    8
    2.4  MTD—频域配对法    8
    3  基于TMS320C6678平台的程序编写原理    10
    3.1  TMS320C6678 DSP介绍    10
    3.2  单核处理分析    10
    3.3  多核处理分析    16
    4  程序仿真分析    22
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