    毕业论文关键词:  语音信号;采样与分析;Matlab;语谱图;滤波
    Design Of MATLAB-based Traffic Voice Acquisition And Analysis Program
    Abstract: Speech signal acquisition and analysis program involves a lot of technology is an interdisciplinary science topics, its application and development of phonetics, voice surveying, electronic measurement technology and digital signal processing and other disciplines closely. Among them, the speech acquisition and analysis equipment miniaturization, intelligent, digital and multi-functional development of faster and faster, faster than the previous analysis has also been greatly improved.
    This article briefly describes the history of the development characteristics of the speech signal acquisition and analysis techniques and voice signal acquisition and spectrum analysis, time domain analysis and spectrogram generation principle and graphic display, analyze the characteristics of the speech signal, and record your own voice through the recorder section, the use of Matlab simulation and analysis . Finally, on the basis of the low-pass filtering the voice signal, and the change before and after, and speech signal analysis and processing, such as spectrogram.
    Keywords: speech signal;sampling and analysis;MATLAB;Spectrogram;filtering

     目   录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题的背景与意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状与水平    2
    1.3  今后发展趋势    4
    1.4  本文主要工作    5
    2  语音信号处理理论知识    6
    2.1  语音信号和倒谱的简介    6
    2.2  语音信号的特点与采集    7
    2.3  采样位数和采样频率    7
    2.4  语音信号相关函数介绍    8
    2.5  语音信号的语谱图    9
    2.5.1  语谱图的产生基理    10
    2.7  语音信号的时域分析    11
    2.7.1  短时能量和短时平均幅度分析    12
    2.7.2  短时过零率分析    12
    2.7.3  短时自相关函数    13
    2.8  语音信号的频域分析    14
    2.8.1  利用短时博里叶变换求语音的短时谱    14
    2.8.2  时域信号的FFT分析    16
    3  语音信号的采集与语谱图分析    17
    3.1  语音的采集    17
    3.2  语音的录入与打开    17
    3.3  语音信号的抽取采样    18
    3.4  语音信号的语谱图    20
    3.5  语音仿真分析    25
    3.6  基音检测    31
    4  语音信号的综合分析    32
    4.1  语音信号的定点分析    32
    4.2  语音信号的FFT分析    33
    4.3  语音信号的调制    34
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