           Today,the communication technology  increasingly developed,
    especially the wide application of computer network,so we can convenient and rapid resource sharing and information transmission.the development of computer network and communication technology not only brings us a variety convenience,but also bring us a series of infoermation security problems. information is illegal theft, leakage and so on, multimedia products copyright issues,these are the people worry about.information hiding is the one of the effective methods to solve the problems,it is a new direction in the field of information security research.information hiding is need to hidden information embeded in the image,video,text,such as digital multimedia,achieve secret communication,copyright protection
    authenticity  identification  purposes. because of the existence of information hiding technology hides the communication on both sides,so security is very great.at present,information hiding technology is the main research on the gray image and color image,less for binary image research.
         The history of information hiding been introduced at the beginning of the papers,and its development status,system model,technical requirements and application direction.tells the research significance of binary information hiding,and analyses its some technical difficulties
    and summarizes the previous studies experts and scholars to explore some of the typical binary image information hiding algorithms,analyzed their advantages and disadvantages.on the basis of these algorithms,the paper discusses the information hiding technology based on spatial LSB and
    introduces its technical principle and some applications,an improved LSB
    technology.pixels in an image airspace is some significant changes,thus to embed information.but,in practice need to consider the robustness,
    security,factors such as the embedding capacity,these factors determine the sffect of information hiding.
    Key words:binary image, information hiding, the Least Significant Bit(LSB)
    Abstract .2
    1  绪论.4
      1.1 研究背景.5
      1.2 信息隐藏技术.6
        1.2.1 信息隐藏技术的概念.6
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