    摘要:随着我国铁路的不断发展,高负荷的运行让铁路设备承受巨大的工作压力。铁路信号电源屏是客运专线信号设备的专用供电设备,它就像是我们人体的心脏,提供各种动力来源,没有了它,我们的各个身体器官就不能正常运行。以可靠性为中心的文修(Reliability Centered Maintenance,RCM)作为高效且准确的文修技术体制,充分考虑了设备的性能、文修策略和文修经济性之间的关系。24430
    首先明确DSGK系列智能信号电源屏设备的结构和功能;其次对其进行故障模式影响分析(Failure Mode And Effect Analysis,FMEA),明确其可能发生的故障、故障原因及其影响,画出故障模式影响分析表格;最后,用逻辑决断的方法进行文修方式决策,开发以可靠性为中心的铁路设备文修方案系统
    Analysis of Reliability Centered Maintenance in Railway Signal Equipment
    Abstract:With the continuous development of China's railway, the high load carrying for railway equipment work under huge pressure. The power supply panel is dedicated power supply equipment for passenger railway signal equipment. It is just like the heart and provides a variety of power source, our various body organs will not run properly without it. The Reliability Centered Maintenance takes full account of the relationship between the performance of equipment, maintenance strategy and the economy of equipment maintenance.
     In order to improve the maintenance quality of railway signal power supply panel equipment, the theory of Reliability Centered Maintenance will be introduced to DSGK intelligent signal power supply panel maintenance decision, eventually come to part of the reliability-centered signal power supply program, to help guide the future maintenance work of DSGK intelligent signal power supply panel.
     Firstly, to make structure and function of DSGK intelligent signal power supply panel clear; Secondly, carrying on Failure Mode Effect Analysis to analyze these possible failure modes, causes of the failure and effects to draw the failure modes and effects analysis table. Finally, in order to develop a reliability-centered maintenance program of railway equipment systems using the method of logical decision diagram for maintenance decisions.
    KeyWords:The Reliability Centered Maintenance;The Power Supply Panel;The Failure Mode Effect Analysis;Maintenance
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选题的背景及意义    1
    1.2 国内外RCM研究现状    1
    1.2.1 国外RCM的研究现状    1
    1.2.2 国内RCM研究现状    2
    1.3 论文的主要研究内容及思路    2
    1.3.1 论文的研究内容    2
    1.3.2 论文的思路    2
    2 基于RCM的理论研究    3
    2.1 RCM的定义    3
    2.2 RCM的原理与分析过程    3
    2.2.1 RCM分析方法    3
    2.2.2 RCM分析的七个基本问题    3
    2.2.3 RCM分析步骤    4
    2.3 故障模式影响分析(FMEA)概述    5
    2.3.1 FMEA简介    5
    2.3.2 FMEA分析步骤    5
    2.4 RCM与 FMEA的关系    6
    3 DSGK系列智能信号电源屏设备系统分析    7
    3.1 DSGK系列智能信号电源屏设备简介    7
    3.2 DSGK系列智能信号电源屏设备基本结构    8
  1. 上一篇:高速动车组牵引变流器的分析与MATLAB仿真
  2. 下一篇:基于FMEA的城轨ATP系统维修分析
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