    Industrial Ethernet in the application of train communication network design
    Abstract:Train communication network is the core part of the train system. It is responsible for monitoring the train, collect and transfer all kinds of information. With the development of modern train high-speed and modernization, the train communication network system is more and more concern and attention, especially in the train communication network using Ethernet, is the development direction of the train communication network.
    At present foreign train network technology has been relatively mature, and has been widely used, however, the domestic research and development in the technology is relatively backward. So the train communication network based on industrial Ethernet technology to domestic train control technology of independent research and development, to break the foreign technology blockade is of great significance.
    Main purpose of this article is a reference existing train network model, established the train communication network model based on industrial Ethernet, and simulate in the OPNET software, the results can play a reference role to construct the train network.
    This design based on industrial Ethernet in the topology model of train video surveillance network. Create the train communication network model, train carriages node model in OPNET software to implement. The parameters obtained by simulation, such as network delay, link occupancy rate indicators, analysis of network real-time, verify the feasibility and reliability of this model.
    KeyWords:train communication network;Ethernet;OPNET
    目 录
    1绪论    1
    1.1课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    1
    1.2.1列车通信网络简介    1
    1.2.2 列车通信网络国内外发展现状    3
    1.2.3 几种现场总线的特点    4
    1.3 本文研究的内容    5
    2 以太网协议    6
    2.1 以太网简介    6
    2.1.1历史    6
    2.1.2 概述    6
    2.2 以太网特点    7
    2.2.1 CSMA/CD协议    7
    2.2.2 以太网帧格式    8
    2.2.3 工业以太网    8
    3 列车通信网络建模仿真    9
    3.1 OPNET仿真软件    9
    3.1.1 计算机仿真技术    9
    3.1.2 OPNET软件介绍    10
    3.1.3 OPNET的通信机制    10
    3.2 列车通信网络系统概要    11
    3.2.1 列车通信网络结构    11
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