
    摘要:串行口作为传统的工业及自动化仪表、自动化控制等领域最常用的连接工具,具有易用性高,可靠性好等优点。但串口不能长距离传输,抗干扰能力差等缺点,给串口设备的远程控制与数据共享造成了极大的不便。在物联网高速发展的今天,将电子设备连接入网已经是大势所趋。论文在MSP430平台上,使用ALIENTEK ENC28J60网络模块和UIP1.0协议实现了串口到网口的双向透传。在串口转以太网模块的设计中,从硬件和软件系统分步展开论述。硬件部分由电源、单片机、串口通讯模块和以太网通讯模块等部分组成。软件部分由串口初始化、以太网模块(ENC28J60)初始化、UIP协议的移植等部分组成。47077


    Design of Serial-Ethernet Switche System Based on MSP430

     Abstract: Serial interface as the most commonly used connection tool in traditional industrial and automation instrumentation, automation control and other areas , It has many advantages such as high availability, good reliability and so on. But it caused grate inconvenience to serial device remote control and data sharing that the serial port can not be long distance transmission, poor anti-interference ability and other shortcomings. Now with the rapid development of the Internet , the network connection is represent the general trend of electronic equipment.The paper based on MSP430 platform, using ALIENTEK ENC28J60 network module and UIP1.0 protocol to achieve the transmission between the serial port and the Ethernet.In the design of the Serial-Ethernet module, the paper discusses in two aspects the hardware and software system . The hardware part is consisted by power supply module, single chip microcomputer, serial communication module and Ethernet communication module. Software part composes of the serial port initialization, Ethernet module (ENC28J60) initialization, transplant of UIP protocol and so on.

    Key words: Serial-Ethernet Switche;ENC28J60;UIP.


    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1论文的背景和意义 1

    1.2国内外研究现状 1

    1.3论文的主要研究内容 2

    1.4 论文结构组织 2

    第二章 相关理论知识概述 3

    2.1串口 3

    2.1.1串行接口标准 3

    2.1.2串口数据帧格式 3

    2.2以太网 4

    2.2.1 以太网的发展 4

    2.2.2 以太网帧格式 4

    2.3.1 MSP430系列单片机发展历程 5

    2.3.2 MSP430系列单片机的性能 6

    (1) 快速的处理能力 6

    (2) 超低的功耗 6

    (3) 独特的时钟系统 7

    (4) 丰富的片内外设 7

    第三章 串口转以太网模块的硬件设计 7

    3.1硬件总体设计 7

    3.2硬件各模块设计 8

    3.2.1 控制模块的设计 8

    (1) 一般特征

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