


    毕业论文关键词  FPGA  SOPC  UDP/IP  LAN91C111  以太网接口  NiosII


    Title  Design of Ethernet interface based on FPGA                              


    In FPGA design process automation, layout has played a crucial role. But the existing layout algorithm are widespread problem of slow convergence speed, easily falling into the most superior. The SOPC technology completely subvert the traditional concept of embedded system design, from hardware and software design will be a boost of embedded system design, software design easier, portability strong. It is in view of the above points we have established the subject— Ethernet interface design based on the FPGA, in order to achieve a more reliable, more stable, more safely complete receiving network data transmission.

    The purpose of this graduation design is to know the basic principle of  Ethernetand FPGA well. Using NiosII development tools for the design of network communication interface based on SOPC. As an important part of the whole network system, the design can realize the network receives data frames and the analysis of the TCP/IP protocol, so as to form a from the physical layer to the network protocol layer of relatively complete Ethernet interface. This paper mainly through the Ethernet and the basic principle of FPGA, using NiosII development tool based on the SOPC design of network communication interface. Complete test UDP/IP network communication program.

    Keywords  FPGA  SOPC  UDP/IP  LAN91C111  Ethernet interface  NiosII

    目  次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1  课题背景 1

    1.2  文献综述 1

    1.3  论文的主要工作与章节介绍 2

    2 以太网通信介绍 2

    2.1  以太网通信概述 2

    2.2  网络协议介绍 5

    3 主要设计方案介绍 8

    3.1  传统以太网接口方案 9

    4  基于FPGA的以太网接口设计 12

    4.1  硬件原理分析 12

    4.2  软件设计 13

    4.3 通信模块 25

    4.4 测试结果与分析

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