
    摘要电阻抗断层成像技术(Electrical Impedance Tomography,简称为EIT),是近二三十年发展起来的一种新型无损伤功能成像技术。EIT技术是通过配置于人体体表的电极阵列,提取人体组织或器官与生理,病理状态相关的电特性信息,EIT成像技术不但能反映解剖学结构,更重要的是可望给出功能性图像结果。64917


    毕业论文关键词 电阻抗断层成像(EIT)  数据采集  数字相敏解调  FPGA

    Abstract:Electrical impedance tomography( referred to as the EIT), is a new non-invasive functional imaging techniques ,which has been developed in nearly three decades . A group of electrodes is attached to the surface of the body ,to extract electrical characteristic information, which is associated with physiological and pathological states of tissues or organs . Not only to reflect the anatomical structures, and more importantly, the result is expected to give the functional images.

    This paper analyzes the design process of the EIT system hardware circuit, Including overall system design and interior design of each module. Completed the design of a 16 electrode impedance hardware system.In the The voltage measurement and data acquisition module,there are differential amplifier circuit,band-pass filter circuit, AD sampling circuit and digital phase sensitive demodulation.

    Keywords  Electrical impedance tomography   data acquisition  digital phase sensitive demodulation   FPGA 

    目 录

    1 绪论 5

    1.1 电阻抗断层成像技术简介 5

    1.2 电阻抗成像技术国内外研究历程 6

    1.3 电阻抗成像的应用 7

    1.4 电阻抗成像技术的难点 8

    1.5本文的主要工作和结构 9

    2  EIT数据采集系统总体设计 10

    2.1 EIT的基本原理 10

    2.2 数据采集系统总体设计 10

    3 数据采集系统分模块设计 13

    3.1 恒流源激励模块 13

    3.1.1 DDS 13

    3.1.2 低通滤波器 14

    3.1.3电压控制电流源的电路 (VCCS) 17

    3.2 电极开关阵列的设计 20

    3.2.1 电极的激励测量模式 20

    3.2.2 电压测量端选通开关的设计 22

    3.3 数据采集模块的设计 24

    3.3.1 放大电路 25

    3.3.2 带通滤波器 28

    3.3.3 AD采样电路 29

    3.3.4 相敏解调 31

    结 论 38

    后续工作展望 39

    致 谢 40

    参考文献 41

    1 绪论

    1.1 电阻抗断层成像技术简介

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