    关键词  图像处理  红外油墨  MATLAB 
    Title  The research based on the deep anti-counterfeiting technology of identifying the authenticity of note
    Nowadays counterfeit note is a deeply troubled social ills ,and it is of great significance to be capable of identifying the authenticity of note with high reliability .Since the conventional paper money detector gradually has difficulty distinguishing the emerging high imitation counterfeit note ,a technology based on the deep anti-counterfeiting technology of identifying the authenticity of note is developed out of innovation in the paper.
      In the beginning ,counterfeit note、security features and the current internal technology of identifying the authenticity of note are introduced ,then the developed technology comes .The backside pattern of the real note is printed by infrared ink ,and it will disappear when in the infrared ink ,which is served as principle .Firstly the note is irradiated by the infrared light in darkroom and the video is captured .Then MATLAB is used to finish the image segmentation、image enhancement and binary processing . At last ,the gray value of all pixels in a specific area on the back of the image is calculated ,both of real and counterfeit note ,and the threshold value is selected .The sum of the gray value of the area of the detected note is compared to the threshold ,then the authenticity is known .
    Keywords  image processing    infrared ink    MATLAB
    目   录
    1    引言    1
    1.1    研究背景    1
    1.2  研究意义和目的    2
    1.3    国内真伪币识别技术研发现状    3
    1.4  基于深层防伪技术的真伪币识别技术的设计原理    6
    1.5  论文章节安排    7
    2    基于深层技术的真伪币识别技术介绍    8
    2.1  主要流程    8
    2.2  硬件和软件部分介绍    8
    2.3  图像采集    9
    3  真伪币红外图像分析与处理    12
    3.1  图像剪切    12
    3.2  图像增强    16
    3.3  二值化处理    22
    4  真伪币判定    25
    4.1  判定区域范围的确定    25
    4.2  阈值选取与判定    27
    结 论    28
    致 谢    30
    1    引言
    1.1    研究背景
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