    毕业论文关键词  光子晶体  光子晶体光纤  慢光技术  
    Title     Applications of photonic crystal fibers for the slow light technology 
    During recent years, control of the light propagation velocity in different media has become a popular research subject, particularly the slow light technology. Slow light means  the propagation speed of the light pulse is lower than the speed of light in vacuum.Comparing with several other slow light technologies, there exists a major advantage of the slow light technology in photonic crystal waveguides, i.e., it can be achieved at room temperature. In the past decade, the slow light technology in photonic crystal waveguides developed very rapidly, and has achieved a series of practical applications resulting from the theories, such as all-optical networks, optical buffer, optical communications, among others. There are many routes to achieve slow light, while different approaches have their own strengths and weaknesses. Since the current status of slow light technology is still mainly existing in the theoretical regime, we plan to analyze several different technical measures aiming for a more practical realization.
    This paper focuses on the theory of photonic crystals, photonic crystal fibers, and basic slow technology. and Our main goal is to systematically study the characteristics of photonic crystal fiber theories and techniques to achieve a more realistic slow light approach.
    Keywords  photonic crystal  photonic crystal fiber  technology of slow light
    目   次
    1  绪论 1
      1.1  研究背景 1
      1.2  研究现状 1
      1.3  本文研究内容  2
    2  光子晶体及光子晶体光纤基本理论  3
    2.1  光子晶体 3
    2.2  光子晶体光纤  6
    2.3  本章小结   7
    3  慢光技术  8
    3.1  慢光原理 8
      3.2  实现慢光的方法9
      3.3  本章小结 9
      4  光子晶体光纤中实现慢光技术的三种方法 10
      4.1  光子晶体波导慢光技术 10
      4.2  光子晶体光纤光栅实现慢光 11
      4.3  光子晶体光纤中通过受激布里渊散射产生慢光 14
      4.4  基于光子晶体技术实现慢光的思考和讨论 18
      4.5  本章小结19
      结论  20
    致谢  21
    1  绪论
    1.1  研究背景
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