Title A performance study on the impact of clustered topology on data aggregation in wireless sensor networks
Wireless sensor network is the combination of the sensor technology, embedded computing technology, distributed information processing technology and the wireless communication technology. Compared with the traditional network, it has higher requirements on energy efficiency, data gathering, etc. This paper focuses on the research of the two classical clustering algorithm ,LEACH and SEP, about the properties of the network life cycle and data gathering under different types of network,
This paper first introduces the concept, structure, characteristics and application of sensor networks, summarizes the network protocol architecture and the classification of routing protocols, analyzes and compare several kinds of typical routing protocol and its performance advantages and disadvantages which are put forward by the current domestic and foreign scholars. Then the paper mainly introduces the working mechanism of the LEACH algorithm and the study the LEACH algorithm in homogeneous networks by simulation considering data aggregation. Finally the paper introduces the main mechanism of SEP algorithm, and the make a comparative study by simulation between the SEP algorithm and LEACH algorithm in the energy heterogeneous network model. Simulation results show the superiority of SEP.
Keywords:WSN; LEACH routing protocols; SEP routing protocols; MATLAB Simulation
目 次
1 引言 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 毕业设计工作 2
2 无线传感器网络分簇算法 4
2.1 无线传感器的网络结构 4
2.2 无线传感网拓扑控制概述 6
2.3 分簇算法的特点 7
2.4 分簇算法的设计要求 7
3 LEACH分簇算法的分析研究 9
3.1 能量同构网络 9
3.2 LEACH协议 9
3.2.1 最优簇头数 10
3.2.2 簇头选举 12
3.2.3 选簇机制 14
3.3 LEACH协议的仿真 14
3.3.1 网络稳定阶段 15
3.3.2 簇头个数的变化 16
3.3.3 网络吞吐量 17
3.4 本章小结 18
4 SEP分簇算法的分析研究 19
4.1 能量异构网络 19
4.2 SEP协议 19
4.2.1 最佳簇头数 20
4.2.2 簇头选举 21
4.2.3 选簇机制 22
- 上一篇:星载相控阵天线优化设计研究
- 下一篇:星载自动识别系统(AIS)解调算法研究