    关键词  低照度CMOS图像传感器  OpenCV  MV-U2000  运动目标检测跟踪 
    Title    Low illumination CMOS image analysis and target detection performance based on OpenCV                    
    Video target detection is widly used in many fields,and Low illumination CMOS image sensor becomes an important direction of the development of the solid micro devices, OpenCV is an open source computer vision library of video image processing, it is very helpful for performance analysis of lowl illumination CMOS image and target detection research. In this paper, In this paper, we use some of OpenCV detection and tracking algorithm for target detection and tracking in video acquired by low illumination CMOS.
    The main body of this article first introduce the overall structure of the system and the principle of each part .Due to the large video noise of low illumination CMOS image sensor, after analyzing the performance of low illumination CMOS image and then introducing some image preprocessing methods.Then,this article will introduce moving target detection and tracking algorithm usd in the topic, and use these algorithms to preprocess the video before pretreatment and the video after pretreatment, Finally, compare and analyze all results and obtain corresponding conclusions.
    Keywords  Low illumination CMOS image sensor   OpenCV   MV-U2000   Moving target detection and tracking
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  课题研究意义及发展现状    1
    1.2  本文的研究背景    3
    1.3  本文的工作内容及结构安排    3
    1.3.1  本文的研究内容    3
    1.3.2  结构安排    3
    2  目标检测跟踪软硬件平台概述    5
    2.1  系统整体结构和工作过程    5
    2.2  系统各部分工作原理介绍    5
    2.2.1  CMOS传感器    5
    2.2.2  MV-U2000采集卡    7
    2.2.3  计算机视觉及OpenCV工具库功能介绍    9
    3.1  低照度图像性能分析    11
    3.1.1  噪声种类    11
    3.1.2  去噪方法    11
    3.2  运动目标检测及跟踪算法介绍    15
    3.2.1  混合高斯背景建模法    15
    3.2.2  帧间差分法    17
    3.2.3  均值背景减除法    18
    3.2.4  基于运动模板的跟踪算法    19
    4  算法设计及仿真结果    20
    4.1  混合高斯背景建模检测法结合运动模板跟踪法    20
    4.2  三帧差检测法结合运动模板跟踪法    23
    4.3  均值背景减除法检测法结合运动模板跟踪法    26
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