    关键词  发声事件   声源定位   到达时间   时序交错
    Title    Localizing Multiple Events Using Times of Arrival:                    
    a Parallelized, Hierarchical Approach to the Association Problem                    
    A fundamental problem in localizing multiple events based on Times of Arrival (TOAs) at a number of sensors is that of associating TOAs with events.We consider this problem in the context of acoustic sensors monitoring events that are closely spaced in time. Due to the relatively low speed of propagation of sound,the order in which the events arrive at a sensor need not be the same as the order in which they occur, potentially creating fundamental ambiguities.  We then show that these potential ambiguities are not a bottleneck in typical practical settings, proposing and evaluating an algorithm that successfully localizes multiple events using noisy observations. The algorithm employs parallelism and hierarchical processing to avoid the excessive complexity of naively trying all possible associations of events with TOAs. We use dicretization of hypothesized event times to enable us to efficiently generate a set of candidate event locations, which contain noisy versions of true events as well as phantom events.We refine these estimates iteratively,discarding “obvious” phantoms, and then solve a linear programming formulation for matching true events to TOAs, while identifying outliers and misses.
    Keywords  acoustic events  acoustic source localization  time of arrival(TOA)  time sequence interleaved.
    目   次
    1 引言    1
    1.1 研究背景和意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    2
    1.3 论文主要工作    3
    1.4 论文结构安排    3
    2 基于无线声传感网的声源定位技术    5
    2.1 基于DOA定位的方法    5
    2.2 基于能量定位    5
    2.3 基于TOA/TDOA定位    6
    3 顺序交错情况下基于TOA的多声源定位方法研究    8
    3.1 顺序交错的概念及其对定位的影响    8
    3.2 基于TOA的多声源的顺序交错的定位的算法    9
    3.2.1 生成候选事件    10
    3.3.2 精确事件的估计    13
    3.2.3 从候选事件集合中鉴别真实事件和异常值    13
    3.3 本章小结    17
    4 仿真实验    18
    4.1 探测节点无漏检和异常值情况    18
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