    关键词  偏振态  动态检测 相位延迟器  琼斯矩阵
    Title   Design of the dynamic receiver and the identification system of the polarized light                   
    In recent years, laser-guided technology and laser-guided weapons are always developing .In laser polarization guidance technology, the modulated laser-beam sent out by laser emitter carry the message of position in the form of polarization state. Because it can overcome the disadvantage of laser beam energy modulating commonly applied in existing laser beam rider guidance system, its applications become more and more popular. Based on the analysis of the characteristic parameters of the polarized light, a popular identification method only applicable to static detection is introduced in this paper. Dynamic receiver and the identification system of the polarized light is designed for the high-speed motion of missile. By using a particular phase delayer and a special method of data processing we prevent the interference from the rotating angle between the polarized light and the devices. Our research focus on the analysis of the principles and functions of the main components of the system. By analyzing Jones matrix, a proportional relationship among the rotation, ellipse degree and the location is obtained. After calculating and analyzing, we know the design is feasible for the normal incidence light.
    Keywords  polarization state  dynamic detection  phases delayer  Jones matrix
    1  引言    1
    1.1  偏振光的定义、分类和产生方法    1
    1.2  偏振光检测的国外研究成果    1
    1.3  偏振光动态接收和检测的发展    2
    1.4  典型偏振光的动态系统的设计    2
    1.5  本文的主要工作    2
    2  系统的原理和计算    4
    2.1  常用的静态偏振光测定方法    6
    2.2  动态系统的设计    7
    2.3  利用琼斯矩阵的推导    8
    2.4  输出电信号的数据处理    9
    2.4  本章小结    10
    3    系统设计与分析    11
    3.1  光源的选择    11
    3.2  光电探测器的选择    11
    3.3  光线正入射时波片的分析和选择    12
    3.4  起偏器的分析与选择    14
    3.5  实际接收光学装置系统    17
    3.6  系统的误差分析    18
    3.7  本章小结    18
    结  论    20
    致  谢    21
    1  引言
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