
    摘要:   在城市交通控制中,交叉口信号控制是一个不可缺少的重要组成部分。单个交叉口是整个路网的最基本的被控制对象,并且动态信号控制是目前交叉口信号控制方法中最有效的控制方式。交通信号定时控制的主要目的就是通过交叉口信号灯的有效控制,调节和引导交通流,以防止或缓和交通拥挤、减少能源消耗,提高运营效率。其目标在于改善交通流的质量,更好的利用现有运输能力,及时为车辆上的有关人员及行人提高交通状况信息,实现交通流的安全性、快速性。本论文以动态信号控制为研究对象,在F•韦伯斯特模型的基础上,结合我国城市交通的特点,讨论动态信号配时的基本方法。文章最后结合交叉口的实例,通过实际大量的调查数据,根据上述方法进行进行多次试算得到交叉口信号的合理配时,有效地缓解了交叉口的拥堵现象,提高了交叉口的利用率。5879
    关键词:    配时;单交叉口;信号控制;信号周期
    Cooperative vehicle infrastructure integration of traffic control and route guidance
    Abstract:     Traffic signal control of intersection is an indispensable part of the urban traffic control system .Intersection is the most fundamental controlled subject of road network and timing signal control is the most basic method of traffic signal control of intersection. To prevent and alleviate traffic congestion, reduce energy consumption and improve operational efficiency, effective control of signal light is applied which can regulate and improve the quality of traffic flow.By making full use of existing transport capacity and providing information to all concerned and pedestrian, security and rapidity of traffic flow are improved. .Based on the Model F • Webster and combined the characteristics of urban traffic, method of timing signal control is researched to discuss basic method of signal timing. An example in this paper is demonstrated to illustrate that the result of signal timing is made after trial calculations according to the survey data. The solution which can alleviate traffic congestion and improve the utilization of intersection is proposed at last.
    Keywords:    timing;intersection;signal control;signal period;
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    国内外研究情况    1
    1.2    论文摘要    1
    1.3    介绍    1
    1.4    算法代码简介    1
    2    分析    5
    2.1    文章目的宗旨    13
    2.2    路网模型    13
    2.3    交通流模型    13
    2.4    问题    14
    2.5    问题简化    14
    2.5    重点难点    14
    3    设计    15
    3.1    数学模型    16
    3.2    控制    16
    3.3    需求    17
    3.4    符号    17
    3.5    可行性    17
    3.6    行程时间    17
    3.7    路径选择    17
    3.8    预期的结果延迟    17
    3.9    韦伯斯特方法    17
    3.10    平衡    19
    3.11    相互作用    19
    3.12    标记法    20

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