    关键词: 弹体飞行时间  测量  无线传输  单片机
    Title    The Flight Time Measurement System of the Projectile Based On Wireless Transmission  
    Projectile flight time is of great importance to the analysis of projectile characteristics. Currently, there have already been a lot of methods in measuring the projectile flight time, in which signals are transmitted by wire. However, it has limitations in some applications. So a new method of measuring projectile flight time, which is based on wireless transmission, is proposed in this paper. In this method, the system is mainly composed of the host, the slave, the device that captures the signals, wireless module and relative circuits. The host is in charge of controlling and the slave in charge of timing, and the call-to-start signal and the call-to-stop signal are provided by the device. The host and the slave use wireless transmission to communicate, which solves the problem of limitations in traditional methods. The method is proved to be applicable at the end of the paper.
    Keywords  projectile flight time  measurement  wireless transmission         microcontroller
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    2  系统总体设计    3
    2.1 弹体飞行时间测量系统主要技术指标    3
    2.2 弹体飞行时间测量总体方案    3
    2.2.1 总体设计思路    3
    2.2.2 系统设计的方案    3
    2.3 本章小结    6
    3  电路设计及调试    7
    3.1 主机电路设计    7
    3.2 从机电路设计    8
    3.3 无线模块连接    8
    3.4 前端靶信号处理电路调试    10
    3.5  单片机外部中断源1扩展调试    10
    3.6 无线模块设置    11
    3.7 本章小结    11
    软件设计及调试    12
    4.1 主机外部中断0中断程序    12
    4.2 从机外部中断0中断程序    12
    4.3 主机与从机外部中断1扩展程序    13
    4.4 主机与从机自检程序    14
    4.5 主机与从机复位程序    15
    4.6 主机串口程序    15
    4.7 从机串口程序    16
    4.8 主机和从机时间计算子程序    17
    4.9 主机与从机显示子程序    20
    4.10 整体调试结果    22
    4.11 本章小结    24
    结  论    25
    致  谢    26
    参 考 文 献    27
    附录A:主机总程序    29
    附录B:从机总程序    38
    1  引言
    1.1  研究背景
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