

    Field Programmable Gate Arrays即FPGA,是一种现场可编程门阵列,是可编程使用的信号处理器件,不仅提高了电路性能,极大减少了印刷电路板设计工作量以及难度,而且大大增加了设计的灵活性以及效率。由于电子技术水平的快速发展,FPGA技术已在快速信号处理中获得普遍应用。


    关键词  连续波   线性调频   FPGA   FFT  数字信号处理


    Title   Signal processing technology of ranging and    ranging rate using LFMCW based on FPGA        


    System of ranging and ranging rate using LFMCW is widely used in modern weapon.

    LFMCW confirms the distance and speed of target by measuring the frequency difference between transmit signal and return signal, having nothing with the amplitude of return signal.It has high range resolution and anti-disturbance capability.

    As a programmable signal processing device, FPGA improves the performance of circuits and decreases the work and difficulty of printing circuits.In addition, FPGA increases the flexibility and efficiency of design.With the development of electronic technology, FPGA has been extensively used in fast signal processing.

    The article verifies the feasibility of design according to the simulation results using MATLAB. Based on the Cyclone chip and QuartusII developed by Altera, the article also finishes the generation of triangular signal in the transmitter and FFT of data sampled in the receiving, giving a detailed introduction of theories and results of each part.

    Keywords  LFMCW   FPGA   FFT   digital signal processing       

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.1.1  无线电探测发展背景 1

    1.1.2  本文研究意义 1

    1.2 本文结构安排 2

    2 调频信号处理的软件和硬件平台 3

    2.1 FPGA简介 3

    2.1.1 FPGA定义与发展 3

    2.1.2 FPGA工作原理与结构 3

    2.2 Cyclone系列芯片 4

    2.3 Verilog HDL语言 5

    2.4 Quartus II概述 5

    2.5 MATLAB简介 5

    2.6 本章小结 6

    3 线性调频测距测速理论基础 7

    3.1 三角波线性调频体制 7

    3.2 锯齿波线性调频体制 9

    3.3 本章小结 9

    4 系统整体实现 10

    4.1 三角波线性调频探测器整体实现 10

    4.2 Simulink建模框图

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