


    关键词  基频检测  自相关法  倒谱法  小波变换法  经验小波变换


    Title   Research on Pitch Detection Algorithm of Chinese  Speech Signal Based on EWT                                                


    Pitch is one of the important characteristic parameters describing the properties of speech excitation source, broadly applied to many areas. In the field of speech signal processing, pitch is in an unquestionable place. The accurate and reliable pitch detection is crucial for high performance speech signal processing system.

    The major difficulties in pitch detection in terms of current situation are pointed out in this work. The traditional pitch detection algorithm is classified into time domain, frequency domain and mixed time-frequency domain, from which three representative algorithms, ACF, CEP and WT are selected. Through the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the algorithms and their simulation in MATLAB, the trajectory of speech signal pitch is obtained. Then instantaneous frequency of speech signal is extracted by the application of EWT of signal decomposition to pitch calculation and the modal decomposition and Hilbert transform into speech signal. The advantages of EWT algorithm has emerged in the conclusion compared to traditional pitch detection algorithm.

    Keywords  pitch detection  auto correlation  cepstrum  wavelet transform  empirical wavelet transform

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  基频检测的定义 1

    1.2  研究意义 2

    1.3  国内外研究现状 2

    1.4  基频检测的困难 3

    2  语音信号的预处理 5

    3  传统基频检测算法 8

    3.1  自相关法 8

    3.2  倒谱法 9

    3.3  小波变换法 11

    4  基于EWT的基频检测算法 15

    4.1  经验小波变换法 15

    4.2  Hilbert变换 19

    4.3  Matlab仿真结果 21

    5  算法比较 25

    5.1  仿真结果对比 25

    5.2  传统算法的局限性 29

    5.3  EWT算法的优越性

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