

    关键词 共振峰提取 基音提取 语音 情感识别


    Title    Mandarin emotional state of surprise and  sadness emotion feature extraction                                                 


    Emotion plays an important role in human perception, decision-making processes. Emotional intelligence has long been studied only in the field of psychology and cognitive science,but  with the development of artificial intelligence, emotional intelligence with computer technology combine to produce the affective computing, which provides emotion recognition a broader space. Language is the most important tools in human communication, human language includes not only the text symbol information, but also includes people's feelings, emotions and other information. For example, the same sentence, as the speaker's emotions often different, and their meaning will be different to the listener the impression that, from this point of view, we believe that the analysis to determine the emotional speech is possible.How to automatically recognize the emotional state from the speaker's voice noticed researchers in various fields in recent years, taken together, research issues include emotional theoretical models, the choice of voice data, emotional characteristic parameters and emotional recognition.

    Keywords  Formant extraction Pitch extraction Speech emotion recognition

    1 绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  语音情感发展识别现状 1

    1.2.1  情感的定义及分类 1

    1.2.2  声学基础 2

    1.2.3  语音信号数字化和预处理 2

    1.2.4  语音信号时域分析 3

    1.2.5  语音信号频域分析 4

    1.2.6  语音信号情感特征参数分析及提取 6

    1.2.7  语音情感识别主要方法 8

    1.3  本文主要工作 10

    2  语音信号情感辨识 11

    2.1  情感特征参数选取 11

    2.1.1  基音频率参数 11

    2.1.2  共振峰参数 12

    2.2  情感特征参数获取 12

    2.2.1  基频参数提取 12

    2.2.2  共振峰参数提取 15

    2.3  辨识方法

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  2. 下一篇:基于MATLAB语音信号处理
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