


        信号的波达方向(DOA)估计是阵列信号处理领域的一个非常重要的研究内容。信号的DOA估计算法大多是一种极值搜索法,即首先形成一个包含待估计参数的函数(一般是一个伪谱函数),然后通过对该函数进行峰值搜索,得到的极值就是信号的波达方向。波达方向估计大致可以分为四类: 传统法、子空间法、最大似然法以及将谐波恢复法和子空间法结合起来的综合法。由于子空间算法可以突破瑞利限,达到较高的分辨率,所以近年来涌现出很多基于子空间类的高分辨测向算法,比较著名的包括MUSIC, ESPRIT等算法。

    关键词: 超分辨率信号到达角(DOA) 波达方向  MUSIC算法    ESPRIT算法      最大似然法


    Title  DSP-based high-resolution DOA technology research                     


    With modern electronics, information technology is developing rapidly,In the future requirements of all kinds of information warfare detection receiver must have a wider input bandwidth, higher resolution and sensitivity, stronger anti-interference ability, and can handle multiple incoming wave signals, more able to adapt to the modern complex electromagnetic environment.In recent decades, with the rapid development of signal processing techniques, the use of array signal processing techniques to achieve the signal source direction estimation has become the modern surveillance system key technologies.Therefore, to understand the super-resolution signal angle of arrival (DOA) estimation of the correlation algorithm is especially important.

    This study is DSP-based high-resolution DOA estimation, requiring more practical application value to improve the algorithm and MATLAB simulation with experimental data validation for correctness of the algorithm and the analysis of the estimation performance of these algorithms.Through in-depth study of this topic, learn the basic principles of DOA and some basic ways to learn derivation formula, and to utilize MATLAB or FORTRAN language source code, combined with DSP design, and finally give the correct result.

    DOA (DOA) estimation array signal processing is a very important field of research.Most signal DOA estimation algorithm is an extreme search method that first formed a function of the parameters to be estimated contains (usually a pseudo-spectral function), and then through the peak search function, and the resulting extreme is the signal wave up direction.DOA estimation can be roughly pided into four categories: the traditional method, subspace method, maximum likelihood method and to restore law and harmonic subspace combine consolidation.As subspace algorithm can overcome the Rayleigh limit, reach a higher resolution, so in recent years the emergence of many high-resolution subspace based direction finding algorithm, the more famous include MUSIC, ESPRIT algorithm.

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